i have two controllers and want to \"send\" between them object. I have something like this:
You could use
* scope.$emit
* scope.$broadcast
* scope.$on
@grohjy s solution might work also, depending on your requirements
Scope scope;
UserController(this.scope) { // get access to the scope by adding it to the constructor parameter list
// sender
scope.$emit('my-event-name', [someData, someOtherData]); // propagate towards root
scope.$broadcast('my-event-name', [someData, someOtherData]); // propagate towards leaf nodes (children)
scope.$parent.$broadcast('my-event-name', [someData, someOtherData]); // send to parents childs (includes silblings children)
scope.$root.$broadcast('my-event-name', [someData, someOtherData]); // propagate towards leaf nodes starting from root (all nodes)
// receiver
scope.$on('my-event-name', (ScopeEvent e) => myCallback(e)); // call myCallback when an `my-event-name` event reaches me
just write scope.$emit
(or one of the other methods) and ctrl+mouseclick to navigate to the the doc comments to get more information.
I don't fully follow your question, could you include the whole code for better understanding.
Here is one example, which might answer to your question: https://github.com/angular/angular.dart/issues/264
With the newest AngularDart library (0.10.0), Günter Zöchbauer's solution is still correct, but the syntax has changed a bit:
// Receiver
//import 'dart:async';
String name;
Scope scope;
ReceiverConstructor(this.scope) {
Stream mystream = scope.on('username-change');
void myCallback(ScopeEvent e) {
this.name = e.data;
// Sender
scope.emit("username-change", "emit");
scope.broadcast("username-change", "broadcast");
scope.parentScope.broadcast("username-change", "parent-broadcast");
scope.rootScope.broadcast("username-change", "root-broadcast");