This is how I\'m trying to provide my ViewModelFactory
class ViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(
I faced the same issue recently. Version Kotlin:1.3.40 Dagger:2.23.2 I tried following the solutions mentioned in this post and here
but none seemed to work. The annotation processor of Dagger is not playing well with KAPT and for the same reason, the builds are failing. This is also updated on Kotlin issue too.
For me, converting both the ViewModelKey
and ViewModelFactory
to java worked.
For Dagger, the tracking issue can be found here.
Adding @JvmSuppressWildcards
fixed the issue. Code looks like this:
private val providers: Map<Class<out ViewModel>, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider<ViewModel>>
First of all ViewModelFactory shouldn't be a Singleton. Anyway to fix this you should have:
a ViewModelFactory
class ViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(
private val creators: Map<Class<out ViewModel>, @JvmSuppressWildcards Provider<ViewModel>>
) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
val creator = creators[modelClass] ?: creators.entries.firstOrNull {
}?.value ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("unknown model class $modelClass")
try {
return creator.get() as T
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException(e)
bind this factory in your module class
abstract fun bindViewModelFactory(factory: ViewModelFactory): ViewModelProvider.Factory
have a ViewModelKey
annotation class ViewModelKey(val value: KClass<out ViewModel>)
bind your viewModel in the desired module
abstract fun bindCustomViewModel(viewModel: MyViewModel): ViewModel
then implement and use your viewModel
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelFactory
private val viewModel: MyViewModel by viewModels { viewModelFactory }
This solution is tested with Kotlin 1.3.72
and latest version of Dagger2
Also please check at
Hope this will help you.
After digging a little bit more I found the issue.
It's completely un-related to the code I'm using. It regards Kotlin 1.3.30
Here some more information about it.
Downgrading to Kotlin 1.3.21
resolved the problem.