how to filter cassandra query by user defined type field? i want to create people table in my cassandra database so i create this user-defined-type in my cassandra database.
Short answer: you can use secondary indexes to query by fullname UDT. But you cannot query by only a part of your UDT.
// create table, type and index
create type fullname ( firstname text, lastname text );
create table people ( id UUID primary key, name frozen <fullname> );
create index fname_index on your_keyspace.people (name);
// insert some data into it
insert into people (id, name) values (now(), {firstname: 'foo', lastname: 'bar'});
insert into people (id, name) values (now(), {firstname: 'baz', lastname: 'qux'});
// query it by fullname
select * from people where name = { firstname: 'baz', lastname: 'qux' };
// the following will NOT work:
select * from people where name = { firstname: 'baz'};
The reason for such behaviour is a way C* secondary indexes are implemented. In general, it's just another hidden table maintained by C*, in your case defined as:
create table fname_index (name frozen <fullname> primary key, id uuid);
Actually your secondary and primary keys are swapped in this table. So your case is reduced to a more general question 'why can't I query by only a part of PK?':
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