I\'m trying to make a request to the Google Places API, using the following url: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/xml?location=37.77264,-122.409915&radi
In my case, the problem was I tried to use the API key for Android (which seems fairly logical) but then I tried to change it for the browser's API key and it finally works right now. Why? Don't ask me. :)
Hope that helped.
Your key looks to be invalid, as mentioned by @Bryan Weaver in the comments. Substituting my own key in the request returns ZERO_RESULTS instead.
BTW, you should also check out the list of supported types - educational%20services isn't one of them. That's not what's giving you the REQUEST_DENIED, but it's worth fixing anyway. If you ever want to specify multiple types, separate them with a pipe (|).
I was having the same issue, kept getting request denied.
I double checked to ensure my API key is correct, what I didnt realise was that I needed to create a New Server Key from the API Console. Now I get ZERO results, instead of the denied message.
IMPORTANT: Go to the api console here, then to SERVICES and check if your 'Places API' is turned ON
Great to see these many solutions. let me add another to the list. You can also try changing the Port address to 443 to get response from Places API
Go to the api console here, then to SERVICES. Click Active services tab and verify 'Places API' is turned ON. Click on the ? "try" link next to it. It should create a proper URL with your key which should work. Compare the link that you are trying against this URL for differences.