I\'ve been tinkering in python this week and I got stuck on something.
If I had a 2D list like this:
myList = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
def td(l,tgt):
for sub in l:
if tgt in sub:
rtr.append( (l.index(sub),sub.index(tgt)) )
return rtr
myList = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
print td(myList,3)
This will return more than one instance of the sub list, if any.
Try this:
def index_2d(myList, v):
for i, x in enumerate(myList):
if v in x:
return (i, x.index(v))
>>> index_2d(myList, 3)
(1, 0)
There is nothing that does this already, unless it's in numpy, which I don't know much about. This means you'll have to write code that does it. And that means questions like "What does [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]].index(3)
return?" are important.
Try this! this worked for me :)
def ret_pos(mylist,val_to_find):
for i in (len(mylist)):
for j in (len(i)):
if mylist[i][j]== val_to_find:
Using simple genexpr:
def index2d(list2d, value):
return next((i, j) for i, lst in enumerate(list2d)
for j, x in enumerate(lst) if x == value)
print index2d([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]], 3)
# -> (1, 0)
If you are doing many lookups you could create a mapping.
>>> myList = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
>>> d = dict( (j,(x, y)) for x, i in enumerate(myList) for y, j in enumerate(i) )
>>> d
{1: (0, 0), 2: (0, 1), 3: (1, 0), 4: (1, 1), 5: (2, 0), 6: (2, 1)}
>>> d[3]
(1, 0)