So, I tried to make a currency bot a while back, but it ended up that everyone in the server shared the same amount of currency.
How would I make the users of a bot
You can set up a dictionary of Member
s to amounts of currency. I would probably use the member ids, so that you can save the file when you want to shut off your bot.
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
import json
bot = commands.Bot('!')
amounts = {}
async def on_ready():
global amounts
with open('amounts.json') as f:
amounts = json.load(f)
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Could not load amounts.json")
amounts = {}
async def balance(ctx):
id =
if id in amounts:
await bot.say("You have {} in the bank".format(amounts[id]))
await bot.say("You do not have an account")
async def register(ctx):
id =
if id not in amounts:
amounts[id] = 100
await bot.say("You are now registered")
await bot.say("You already have an account")
async def transfer(ctx, amount: int, other: discord.Member):
primary_id =
other_id =
if primary_id not in amounts:
await bot.say("You do not have an account")
elif other_id not in amounts:
await bot.say("The other party does not have an account")
elif amounts[primary_id] < amount:
await bot.say("You cannot afford this transaction")
amounts[primary_id] -= amount
amounts[other_id] += amount
await bot.say("Transaction complete")
def _save():
with open('amounts.json', 'w+') as f:
json.dump(amounts, f)
async def save():