I managed to string together a script that receives commands from an iOS app setting velocity and a direction.
The thing is I do not have the actual device, so my ap
You could use your terminal as a "window" and draw a "circle" in it. As a very simple (and unreliable) "timer", time.sleep()
function could be used:
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Print red circle walking randomly in the terminal."""
import random
import time
from blessings import Terminal # $ pip install blessings colorama
import colorama; colorama.init() # for Windows support (not tested)
directions = [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
( 0, -1), ( 0, 1),
( 1, -1), ( 1, 0), ( 1, 1)]
t = Terminal()
with t.fullscreen(), t.hidden_cursor():
cur_y, cur_x = t.height // 2, t.width // 2 # center of the screen
nsteps = min(cur_y, cur_x)**2 # average distance for random walker: sqrt(N)
for _ in range(nsteps):
y, x = random.choice(directions)
cur_y += y; cur_x += x # update current coordinates
print(t.move(cur_y, cur_x) +
t.bold_red(u'\N{BLACK CIRCLE}')) # draw circle
time.sleep(6 * 0.017) # it may sleep both less and more time
print(t.clear) # clear screen
To try it, save the code into random-walker.py
and run it:
$ python random-walker.py
I don't know whether it works on Windows.
1. Create a window
2. Set a timer instance and repetition tasks
3. Draw a circle
You should try using pygame for graphics work. First download pygame
Here is a sample code
import pygame,sys
from pygame import *
WIDTH = 480
HEIGHT = 480
WHITE = (255,255,255) #RGB
BLACK = (0,0,0) #RGB
screen = display.set_mode((WIDTH,HEIGHT),0,32)
display.set_caption("Name of Application")
timer = pygame.time.Clock()
pos_on_screen, radius = (50, 50), 20
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
timer.tick(60) #60 times per second you can do the math for 17 ms
draw.circle(screen, BLACK, pos_on_screen, radius)
HOPE THAT HELPS. Remember you need to download pygame first. You should also read up on pygame. It is really helpful.