Passing address, but it is working like call by value in C?

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南笙 2020-12-04 00:40

Hello I am a beginner in C programming language. Recently I read about call by value and call by address. I have learned that in call by address changes in the called functi

  • 2020-12-04 01:14

    There is no such thing as call by address in C. There is only call by value. What one does when a function needs to modify an argument in a way that is visible to the caller is to have the caller pass a pointer to something, and have the called function write the update though that pointer. Note that the pointer itself is still sent as call-by-value - that is: the called function gets its own copy of the pointer and could change it to point to anything else if it wants to.

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  • 2020-12-04 01:21

    You are simply setting the value of the pointer in the function, not the value of the pointed to variable. The function should use the following code:

    *ptr = y;

    This derefences the pointer (exposing the value pointed to), and therefore when you use the equals operator, the memory pointed at is modified, not the pointer itself. I hope this helps to clarify things.

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  • 2020-12-04 01:32

    The function is assigning a new address to the pointer but the pointer itself is being passed by value, as all arguments are in C. To change the value of a pointer variable the address of the pointer itself must be passed:

    void change_by_add(int **ptr)
        *ptr = &y;

    See C FAQ Question 4.8.

    Passing by reference does not exist in C but can be achieved by passing the address of the variable who's value is to be changed to a function. For example:

    void add_to_int(int* a_value, int a_increment)
        *a_value += a_increment;
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  • 2020-12-04 01:36

    Changes made by called function does not get reflected by the caller because you are overriding the pointer address in the called function i.e ptr = &y;.

    Initially, you passed the address of x but you are changing it with the address of y.

    If you really want to implement the concept of call by address then change value instead of address.


    void change_by_add(int *ptr) {
        *ptr = y;  //changing value
        printf("\nInside change_by_add\t %d",*ptr);
    void main(){
        int *p;
        p = &x;
        printf("\nInside main\t %d \n", *p);
        return 0;


    Inside change_by_add     20
    Inside main  20
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