I want to write a function that returns an allocatable array in fortran
program test
implicit none
real a(3)
real, allocatable :: F18(:)
a =
You need to make the properties of the function known to the caller. The easiest way is to put it into a module and 'use' that module. In your examples, in your main program you are declaring an array 'F18', which is not the function.
module mystuff
function F18(A,n)
implicit none
integer n
real A(:) ! An assumed shape array
real F18(size(A,1)) ! The function result itself is
! the second dimension of A.
F18 =A !
end function F18
end module mystuff
program test
use mystuff
implicit none
real a(3)
a = (/1,2,3/)
print *, F18(a,3)
end program test