I am trying use androidVNC open source project as a Library Project in my MainProject. androidVNC has also used ZoomerWithKeys library project. I want start a activity of an
I tackled with this kind error in Android Studio.
In my case my main project was using two my own lib. But beside this those two libs were using the same library as external included
compile files('lib/external-lib.jar')
I solved it by doing following in my both own libs.
1)Removing old compile files('lib/external-lib.jar' )
from build.gradle
and deleting old external_lib.jar
from lib folder.
2)Adding library from jcenter()
two my own libs
compile 'external.lib:1.9.2'
Then rebuild and run main project
Then problem has disappeared.
1).did you added your lib project to the main project?? Make sure..
2).also add the project to your lib project by doing this process--
In the lib project-->>right click on project-->>java build path-->>on the project tab-->>add your main project.
Now build your project..hopefully it will help you.
3). Go to the project properties..edit this(can give some space) and then save..clean project...then build..
I resolve this by doing following steps:
The problem should have gone, these steps work more than fine for me