Is there any way to download CSV file with casperjs without specifying download URL? I am trying to download CSV file whose URL is dynamically generated when I click the dow
For the record, it's already possible using 'resource.received' event. If you receive header like this one:
Content-Disposition: Attachment; Filename="ExportData.csv"
The file generated can be downloaded using following event listener:
casper.on('resource.received', function(resource) {
if (resource.stage !== "end") {
console.log("resource.stage !== 'end'");
if (resource.url.indexOf('ExportData.csv') > -1) {
console.log("Downloading csv file");, 'ExportData.csv');
This won't be possible until this phantomjs issue will be solved
What I would do is something like this but I know the filename that I am gonna receive:
this.waitForResource(function check(resource){
res = resource;
// regular expression to test
return /thefilename/.test(resource.url);
}, function(){
this.echo("Resource found: " + res.url);
// download the file, path);
}, null, 10000);
I have found a solution for that. It is not very clean but it works :
You need to build an global array, which associates every resource.received having a filename attached.
fileInfos[url]= parse_filename_from_responseHeader(resource)
If url is the resource you want to download, try open(url) first. This will trigger the resiyrce.received event, parse the header and update the global array.
Now, before launching the
, look for fileInfos[url]
You will find the filename corresponding to the url in the fileInfos array. I can elaborate on the solution if needed, but since the question is already a few years old,
I'll wait for the next poke to elaborate.