I have a WinForms application that is calling a business class method that performs some heavy duty action taking about 5 seconds for each call. The main form calls this met
Add a Winforms Project, Drop a Label Control on the Form , Copy-Paste this code and Hit F5
[EDIT]: Updated with the business class
comment from the user
NB: My form class is named Form3
. You may have to change your Program.cs or vice-versa.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
public class BusinessClass
public int MyFunction(int input)
return input+10;
public partial class Form3 : Form
private BackgroundWorker _worker;
BusinessClass _biz = new BusinessClass();
public Form3()
private void InitWorker()
if (_worker != null)
_worker = new BackgroundWorker
WorkerReportsProgress = true,
WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
_worker.DoWork += DoWork;
_worker.RunWorkerCompleted += RunWorkerCompleted;
_worker.ProgressChanged += ProgressChanged;
void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
int highestPercentageReached = 0;
if (_worker.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
double i = 0.0d;
int junk = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 199990000; i++)
int result = _biz.MyFunction(junk);
// Report progress as a percentage of the total task.
var percentComplete = (int)(i / 199990000 * 100);
if (percentComplete > highestPercentageReached)
highestPercentageReached = percentComplete;
// note I can pass the business class result also and display the same in the LABEL
_worker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, result);
void RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Cancelled)
// Display some message to the user that task has been
// cancelled
else if (e.Error != null)
// Do something with the error
void ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
label1.Text = string.Format("Result {0}: Percent {1}",e.UserState, e.ProgressPercentage);
With this you can achieve Cancel functionality also very easily.
Observe that during initialisation, I set the WorkerSupportsCancellation = true
& then I check for _worker.CancellationPending
in the DoWork. So, if you want to cancel the process by a Cancel Button click
, then you will write this code in the button handler- _worker.CancelAsync();