I need some help with creating a regex for my php script. Basically, I have an associative array containing my data, and I want to use preg_replace to replace some place-ho
Use preg_replace_callback(). It's incredibly useful for this kind of thing.
$replace_values = array(
'test' => 'test two',
$result = preg_replace_callback('!\{\{(\w+)\}\}!', 'replace_value', $input);
function replace_value($matches) {
global $replace_values;
return $replace_values[$matches[1]];
Basically this says find all occurrences of {{...}} containing word characters and replace that value with the value from a lookup table (being the global $replace_values).
For well-formed HTML/XML parsing, consider using the Document Object Model (DOM) in conjunction with XPath. It's much more fun to use than regexes for that sort of thing.
To not have to use global variables and gracefully handle missing keys you can use
function render($template, $vars) {
return \preg_replace_callback("!{{\s*(?P<key>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+?)\s*}}!", function($match) use($vars){
return isset($vars[$match["key"]]) ? $vars[$match["key"]] : $match[0];
}, $template);