When I run my hello world application, the android emulator fails to launch.Even when i am creating a new emulator it fails to launch giving me the following error.
Try this It worked for me...
emulator @avd_name [ {-option [value]} … ]
Type command emulator @youremulatorname
For more Check out this Link
First of all you need to check are you in correct folder?
$...local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator -list-avds
If so it will show you list of emulators that you have in your Android studio you are on right track Last part for launching an emulator
local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator -avd Nexus_5X(name of your emulator you want to open)
The problem is, that you have specified your SDK in a file what has space, in its name For example: Android SDK You need to change it to something what hasn't got space in its name.
Hope it helps.
Or if you specified it in the Program Files use it: Progra~1 instead of Program Files.
On windows don't install the Android SDK to a path with spaces in it like C:\Program Files\AndroidSDK. Instead install it to C:\AndroidSDK\ or something like that.
emulator -list-avds
aka ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/emulator -list-avds
2.it will show you emulator names but emulator names that you pass to command lineYou are not specifying what AVD to launch. Please read the SDK docs in full, they will show you how to do this.
Tip: Launch the "android.exe" (I think, I use Linux where it's simply "android") app instead, create an AVD and launch it, all from the graphical interface.