Any help that can be provided to a Access and VB noob would be greatly appreciated. What I\'m trying to do is concatenate the values from one table and insert it as a comma
This is a fairly basic VBA function that will loop through every row in a column, and concatenate it to a comma-delimited result string. i.e., for your example, it will return "Server01, Server02, Server03, Server04, Server05". (Don't forget to replace the column and table names)
Function ConcatColumn(OS As String) As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from TableA")
Dim result As String
'For every row after the first, add a comma and the field value:
While rst.EOF = False
If rst.Fields("Operating System") = OS Then _
result = result & ", " & rst.Fields("MyValue")
'Clean it up a little and put out the result
If Left(result, 2) = ", " Then result = Right(result, Len(result) - 2)
Debug.Print result
ConcatColumn = result
End Function
To use this,
1. ConcatColumn("Windows")
will return "Server04, Server03"
2. ConcatColumn("Linux")
will return "Server01, Server02"
3. ConcatColumn("Solaris")
will return "Server05"
4. ConcatColumn("")
will return "".
You can use Concatenate values from related records by Allen Browne for this. Copy the function code from that web page and paste it into a new standard module. Save the module and give the module a name different from the function name; modConcatRelated would work.
Then I think you should be able to use the function in a query even though you're not proficient with VBA.
First notice I changed the field names in TableA to replace spaces with underscores. With that change, this query ...
ConcatRelated("Machine_Name", "TableA",
"Operating_System = '" & sub.Operating_System & "'") AS Machines
FROM [SELECT DISTINCT Operating_System FROM TableA]. AS sub;
... produces this result set:
Operating_System Machines
Linux Server01, Server02
Solaris Server05
Windows Server03, Server04
If you can't rename the fields as I did, use a separate query to select the distinct operating systems.
SELECT DISTINCT TableA.[Operating System]
FROM TableA;
Save that as qryDistinctOperatingSystems, then use it in this version of the main query:
sub.[Operating System],
ConcatRelated("[Machine Name]", "TableA",
"[Operating System] = '" & sub.[Operating System] & "'") AS Machines
FROM qryDistinctOperatingSystems AS sub;