I\'ve been trying to use cocoapods
and install them into my project but its giving me this error while trying to install it in the project location. its kinda c
replace this character " ‘ " with this " ' " in your podfile and try to install again.
it's happen to me when I copy pod line from somewhere else (like Evernote), some text editors automatically change this character. Usually it's like this :
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0'
but when I take from other editor, it could be like this :
pod ‘AFNetworking‘, ‘~> 2.0‘
Follow this steps:
1.open terminal.
2.pod setup // it's take some time to download podfiles
3.pod list //(optional)to see the list of pod
4.cd Desktop//(your project path)
5.cd CoacPods (your project name)
6.vim podfile
7.pod install
Check this out chmod go-w /opt/local/bin at a shell prompt (depending on permissions you may need to sudo to do that).