I was making a website for a music band, and i was wondering the best way to play background music on the website without interrupting the flow of the music (even for a spli
You would most likely need flash or a new window (pop-up) outside of the window.
Don't use frames. Ever.
EDIT: To all the people downmodding and commenting on this, not a single person has given a valid reason why you SHOULD use frames.
Just to clarify my position, please read ANY article on usability, the web, and frames.
For those still learning (and to those old people to dumb to update)
Frames break the unified model of the web.
Frames cause problems for search engine robots.
Frames make URLs stop working.
Frames break bookmarking.
Frames make printing more difficult.
Frames hurt accessibility.
Frames increase technical complexity.
and the #1 reason to not use frames......
Are there seriously this many people out there suggesting frames are a valid solution in 2009? How disappointing.