I was trying to make the string HELLO
in Python. But couldn\'t get any way to rotate it without working with loops. How to code for it in
Here is a simple way of looking at it...
s = 'HELLO'
for r in range(5):
print(s[r:] + s[:r])
Here is what I use to rotate strings in Python3:
To rotate left by n:
def leftShift(text,n):
return text[n:] + text[:n]
To rotate right by n:
def rightShift(text,n):
return text[-n:] + text[:-n]
Here is one way:
def rotate(strg, n):
return strg[n:] + strg[:n]
rotate('HELLO', -1) # 'OHELL'
Alternatively, collections.deque ("double-ended queue") is optimised for queue-related operations. It has a dedicated rotate() method:
from collections import deque
items = deque('HELLO')
''.join(items) # 'OHELL'
You can slice and add strings:
>>> s = 'HELLO'
>>> s[-1] + s[:-1]
This gives you the last character:
>>> s[-1]
and this everything but the last:
>>> s[:-1]
Finally, add them with +
I would agree with Mike Müller's answer:
s = 'HELLO'
s = s[-1] + s[:-1]
I would like to share another way of looking at s[:-1]
This means that it is starting from the start and including everything except for s[-1]. I hope this helped.