Given this JSON object, how does lodash remove the reach
value from the objects?
total: 350,
SN1: {
reach: 200,
_.mapValues(object, v => _.isObject(v)? _.omit(v, 'reach'): v)
(object, [iteratee=_.identity])
Creates an object with the same keys as object and values generated by running each own enumerable string keyed property of
. The iteratee is invoked with three arguments: (value, key, object)._.omit
(object, [props])
creates an object composed of the own and inherited enumerable string keyed properties of
that are not omitted.
I had to remove all occurances of two keys from an array of objects recursively. omit-deep-lodash library allows omitting object keys & values recursively in a one liner. Multiple keys can be removed in one call. A functional solution for those who feel delete as too mutable. Please be sure to read the notes here. omit-deep-lodash
const omitDeep = require("omit-deep-lodash");
omitDeep({a: "a", b: "b", c: {b: "b", d: {b: "b", f: "f"}}}, "b");
//=> {a: "a", c: {d: {f: "f"}}}
omitDeep({a: "a", b: "b", c: {b: "b", d: {b: "b", f: "f"}}}, "a", "b");
Recursively omit keys from an object by defining an array of exclude keys in ES6 + Typescript.
omitDeep(myObject, [omitKey1, omitKey2, ...omitKeyN])
// omitDeep.ts
* Recursively remove keys from an object
* @usage
* const input = {
* id: 1,
* __typename: '123',
* createdAt: '1020209',
* address: {
* id: 1,
* __typename: '123',
* },
* variants: [
* 20,
* {
* id: 22,
* title: 'hello world',
* __typename: '123',
* createdAt: '1020209',
* variantOption: {
* id: 1,
* __typename: '123',
* },
* },
* {
* id: 32,
* __typename: '123',
* createdAt: '1020209',
* },
* ],
* }
* const output = {
* id: 1,
* address: {
* id: 1,
* },
* variants: [
* 20,
* {
* id: 22,
* title: 'hello world',
* variantOption: {
* id: 1,
* },
* },
* {
* id: 32,
* },
* ],
* }
* expect(omitDeep(input, ['createdAt, 'updatedAt', __typename']).to.deep.equal(output) // true
* @param {object} input
* @param {Array<number | string>>} excludes
* @return {object}
const omitDeep = (input: object, excludes: Array<number | string>): object => {
return Object.entries(input).reduce((nextInput, [key, value]) => {
const shouldExclude = excludes.includes(key)
if (shouldExclude) return nextInput
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
const arrValue = value
const nextValue = => {
if (typeof arrItem === 'object') {
return omitDeep(arrItem, excludes)
return arrItem
nextInput[key] = nextValue
return nextInput
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
nextInput[key] = omitDeep(value, excludes)
return nextInput
nextInput[key] = value
return nextInput
}, {})
export default omitDeep
_.transform() the object to another object, and while passing the values to the new object, check if the value is an object and if it has the 'reach' property, and if so use _.omit() to get a new object without reach
var obj = {
total: 350,
SN1: {
reach: 200,
engagementRate: 1.35
SN2: {
reach: 150,
engagementRate: 1.19
var result = _.transform(obj, function(result, value, key) {
result[key] = _.isObject(value) && `reach` in value ? _.omit(value, 'reach') : value;
<script src=""></script>
And if you need a recursive solution that will handle multiple nested object levels, here is deepOmit
, which uses the same idea, but without _.omit
, and can be used to remove multiple keys (see comments in code):
var obj = {
total: 350,
SN1: {
reach: 200,
engagementRate: 1.35,
reach: 200,
engagementRate: 1.35
SN2: {
reach: 150,
engagementRate: 1.19
function deepOmit(obj, keysToOmit) {
var keysToOmitIndex = _.keyBy(Array.isArray(keysToOmit) ? keysToOmit : [keysToOmit] ); // create an index object of the keys that should be omitted
function omitFromObject(obj) { // the inner function which will be called recursivley
return _.transform(obj, function(result, value, key) { // transform to a new object
if (key in keysToOmitIndex) { // if the key is in the index skip it
result[key] = _.isObject(value) ? omitFromObject(value) : value; // if the key is an object run it through the inner function - omitFromObject
return omitFromObject(obj); // return the inner function result
console.log(deepOmit(obj, 'reach')); // you can use a string for a single value
console.log(deepOmit(obj, ['reach', 'engagementRate'])); // you can use an array of strings for multiple values
<script src=""></script>
There doesn't seem to be a deep omit, but you could iterate over all the keys in the object, and delete reach
from the nested objects, recursively:
function omitDeep(obj) {
_.forIn(obj, function(value, key) {
if (_.isObject(value)) {
} else if (key === 'reach') {
delete obj[key];
var obj = {
total: 350,
SN1: {
reach: 200,
engagementRate: 1.35
SN2: {
reach: 150,
engagementRate: 1.19
function omitDeep(obj) {
_.forIn(obj, function(value, key) {
if (_.isObject(value)) {
} else if (key === 'reach') {
delete obj[key];
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use _.mixin to extend a omitDeep method:
'omitDeep': function(obj, predicate) {
return _.transform(obj, function(result, value, key) {
if (_.isObject(value)) {
value = _.omitDeep(value, predicate);
var doOmit = predicate(value, key);
if (!doOmit) {
_.isArray(obj) ? result.push(value) : result[key] = value;
var my = {
"key1": {
"key2": {
"key3": [null, {
"key4": "string",
"key5": true,
"key6": null,
"key7": 8,
"key7": undefined
}, null]
console.log("omit null:", _.omitDeep(my, _.isNull));
console.log("omit undefined:", _.omitDeep(my, _.isUndefined));
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