I started to use Json.NET to convert a string in JSON format to object or viceversa. I am not sure in the Json.NET framework, is it possible to convert a string in JSON to X
Thanks for David Brown's answer. In my case of JSON.Net 3.5, the convert methods are under the JsonConvert static class:
XmlNode myXmlNode = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(myJsonString); // is node not note
// or .DeserilizeXmlNode(myJsonString, "root"); // if myJsonString does not have a root
string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(myXmlNode);
I searched for a long time to find alternative code to the accepted solution in the hopes of not using an external assembly/project. I came up with the following thanks to the source code of the DynamicJson project:
public XmlDocument JsonToXML(string json)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
using (var reader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json), XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.Max))
XElement xml = XElement.Load(reader);
return doc;
Note: I wanted an XmlDocument rather than an XElement for xPath purposes. Also, this code obviously only goes from JSON to XML, there are various ways to do the opposite.
Try this function. I just wrote it and haven't had much of a chance to test it, but my preliminary tests are promising.
public static XmlDocument JsonToXml(string json)
XmlNode newNode = null;
XmlNode appendToNode = null;
XmlDocument returnXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
returnXmlDoc.LoadXml("<Document />");
XmlNode rootNode = returnXmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Document");
appendToNode = rootNode;
string[] arrElementData;
string[] arrElements = json.Split('\r');
foreach (string element in arrElements)
string processElement = element.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Trim();
if ((processElement.IndexOf("}") > -1 || processElement.IndexOf("]") > -1) && appendToNode != rootNode)
appendToNode = appendToNode.ParentNode;
else if (processElement.IndexOf("[") > -1)
processElement = processElement.Replace(":", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim();
newNode = returnXmlDoc.CreateElement(processElement);
appendToNode = newNode;
else if (processElement.IndexOf("{") > -1 && processElement.IndexOf(":") > -1)
processElement = processElement.Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim();
newNode = returnXmlDoc.CreateElement(processElement);
appendToNode = newNode;
if (processElement.IndexOf(":") > -1)
arrElementData = processElement.Replace(": \"", ":").Replace("\",", "").Replace("\"", "").Split(':');
newNode = returnXmlDoc.CreateElement(arrElementData[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < arrElementData.Length; i++)
newNode.InnerText += arrElementData[i];
return returnXmlDoc;
Yes. Using the JsonConvert class which contains helper methods for this precise purpose:
// To convert an XML node contained in string xml into a JSON string
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(doc);
// To convert JSON text contained in string json into an XML node
XmlDocument doc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(json);
Documentation here: Converting between JSON and XML with Json.NET
Here is the full c# code to convert xml to json
public static class JSon
public static string XmlToJSON(string xml)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
return XmlToJSON(doc);
public static string XmlToJSON(XmlDocument xmlDoc)
StringBuilder sbJSON = new StringBuilder();
sbJSON.Append("{ ");
XmlToJSONnode(sbJSON, xmlDoc.DocumentElement, true);
return sbJSON.ToString();
// XmlToJSONnode: Output an XmlElement, possibly as part of a higher array
private static void XmlToJSONnode(StringBuilder sbJSON, XmlElement node, bool showNodeName)
if (showNodeName)
sbJSON.Append("\"" + SafeJSON(node.Name) + "\": ");
// Build a sorted list of key-value pairs
// where key is case-sensitive nodeName
// value is an ArrayList of string or XmlElement
// so that we know whether the nodeName is an array or not.
SortedList<string, object> childNodeNames = new SortedList<string, object>();
// Add in all node attributes
if (node.Attributes != null)
foreach (XmlAttribute attr in node.Attributes)
StoreChildNode(childNodeNames, attr.Name, attr.InnerText);
// Add in all nodes
foreach (XmlNode cnode in node.ChildNodes)
if (cnode is XmlText)
StoreChildNode(childNodeNames, "value", cnode.InnerText);
else if (cnode is XmlElement)
StoreChildNode(childNodeNames, cnode.Name, cnode);
// Now output all stored info
foreach (string childname in childNodeNames.Keys)
List<object> alChild = (List<object>)childNodeNames[childname];
if (alChild.Count == 1)
OutputNode(childname, alChild[0], sbJSON, true);
sbJSON.Append(" \"" + SafeJSON(childname) + "\": [ ");
foreach (object Child in alChild)
OutputNode(childname, Child, sbJSON, false);
sbJSON.Remove(sbJSON.Length - 2, 2);
sbJSON.Append(" ], ");
sbJSON.Remove(sbJSON.Length - 2, 2);
sbJSON.Append(" }");
// StoreChildNode: Store data associated with each nodeName
// so that we know whether the nodeName is an array or not.
private static void StoreChildNode(SortedList<string, object> childNodeNames, string nodeName, object nodeValue)
// Pre-process contraction of XmlElement-s
if (nodeValue is XmlElement)
// Convert <aa></aa> into "aa":null
// <aa>xx</aa> into "aa":"xx"
XmlNode cnode = (XmlNode)nodeValue;
if (cnode.Attributes.Count == 0)
XmlNodeList children = cnode.ChildNodes;
if (children.Count == 0)
nodeValue = null;
else if (children.Count == 1 && (children[0] is XmlText))
nodeValue = ((XmlText)(children[0])).InnerText;
// Add nodeValue to ArrayList associated with each nodeName
// If nodeName doesn't exist then add it
List<object> ValuesAL;
if (childNodeNames.ContainsKey(nodeName))
ValuesAL = (List<object>)childNodeNames[nodeName];
ValuesAL = new List<object>();
childNodeNames[nodeName] = ValuesAL;
private static void OutputNode(string childname, object alChild, StringBuilder sbJSON, bool showNodeName)
if (alChild == null)
if (showNodeName)
sbJSON.Append("\"" + SafeJSON(childname) + "\": ");
else if (alChild is string)
if (showNodeName)
sbJSON.Append("\"" + SafeJSON(childname) + "\": ");
string sChild = (string)alChild;
sChild = sChild.Trim();
sbJSON.Append("\"" + SafeJSON(sChild) + "\"");
XmlToJSONnode(sbJSON, (XmlElement)alChild, showNodeName);
sbJSON.Append(", ");
// Make a string safe for JSON
private static string SafeJSON(string sIn)
StringBuilder sbOut = new StringBuilder(sIn.Length);
foreach (char ch in sIn)
if (Char.IsControl(ch) || ch == '\'')
int ich = (int)ch;
sbOut.Append(@"\u" + ich.ToString("x4"));
else if (ch == '\"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '/')
return sbOut.ToString();
To convert a given XML string to JSON, simply call XmlToJSON() function as below.
string xml = "<menu id=\"file\" value=\"File\"> " +
"<popup>" +
"<menuitem value=\"New\" onclick=\"CreateNewDoc()\" />" +
"<menuitem value=\"Open\" onclick=\"OpenDoc()\" />" +
"<menuitem value=\"Close\" onclick=\"CloseDoc()\" />" +
"</popup>" +
string json = JSON.XmlToJSON(xml);
// json = { "menu": {"id": "file", "popup": { "menuitem": [ {"onclick": "CreateNewDoc()", "value": "New" }, {"onclick": "OpenDoc()", "value": "Open" }, {"onclick": "CloseDoc()", "value": "Close" } ] }, "value": "File" }}
You can do these conversions also with the .NET Framework:
JSON to XML: by using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
var xml = XDocument.Load(JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(
Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonString), new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()));
XML to JSON: by using System.Web.Script.Serialization
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(GetXmlData(XElement.Parse(xmlString)));
private static Dictionary<string, object> GetXmlData(XElement xml)
var attr = xml.Attributes().ToDictionary(d => d.Name.LocalName, d => (object)d.Value);
if (xml.HasElements) attr.Add("_value", xml.Elements().Select(e => GetXmlData(e)));
else if (!xml.IsEmpty) attr.Add("_value", xml.Value);
return new Dictionary<string, object> { { xml.Name.LocalName, attr } };