I have a large bitmap (say 3888x2592) in a file. Now, I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to another file.
I normally would scale the bitmap by calling
There is a great article about this exact issue on the Android developer website: Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently
I use Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros
to calculate the best sample size, better performance.
Full code in kotlin:
fun File.decodeBitmap(options: BitmapFactory.Options): Bitmap? {
return inputStream().use {
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(it, null, options)
fun File.decodeBitmapAtLeast(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 1) width: Int,
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 1) height: Int
): Bitmap? {
val options = BitmapFactory.Options()
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true
val ow = options.outWidth
val oh = options.outHeight
if (ow == -1 || oh == -1) return null
val w = ow / width
val h = oh / height
if (w > 1 && h > 1) {
val p = 31 - maxOf(Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(w), Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(h))
options.inSampleSize = 1 shl maxOf(0, p)
options.inJustDecodeBounds = false
return decodeBitmap(options)
Why not use the API?
int h = 48; // height in pixels
int w = 48; // width in pixels
Bitmap scaled = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(largeBitmap, w, h, true);
Taking into account that you want to resize to exact size and want to keep as much quality as needed I think you should try this.
Motivation: multiple-steps scaling could give you higher quality picture, however there is no guarantee that it will work better than using high inSampleSize. Actually, I think that you also can use inSampleSize like 5 (not pow of 2) to have direct scaling in one operation. Or just use 4 and then you can just use that image in UI. if you send it to server - than you can do scaling to exact size on server side which allow you to use advanced scaling techniques.
Notes: if the Bitmap loaded in step-3 is at least 4 times larger (so the 4*targetWidth < width) you probably can use several resizing to achieve better quality. at least that works in generic java, in android you don't have the option to specify the interpolation used for scaling http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2007/04/03/perils-of-image-getscaledinstance.html
I used code like this:
String filePath=Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/test_image.jpg";
BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();
InputStream is=new FileInputStream(filePath);
BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, options);
is=new FileInputStream(filePath);
// here w and h are the desired width and height
options.inSampleSize=Math.max(options.outWidth/460, options.outHeight/288); //Max 460 x 288 is my desired...
// bmp is the resized bitmap
Bitmap bmp=BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, options);
Log.d(Constants.TAG, "Scaled bitmap bytes, "+bmp.getRowBytes()+", width:"+bmp.getWidth()+", height:"+bmp.getHeight());
I tried original image is 1230 x 1230, and got bitmap says is 330 x 330.
And if tried 2590 x 3849, I'll got OutOfMemoryError.
I traced it, it still throw OutOfMemoryError on line "BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, options);", if original bitmap too large...
Here is an article that takes a different approach to resizing. It will attempt to load the largest possible bitmap into memory based on available memory in the process and then perform the transforms.