This is my code i am able to print each line but when blank line appears it prints ; because of CSV file format, so i want to skip when blank line appears
import csv
with open('userlist.csv') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
user_header = next(reader) # Add this line if there the header is
user_list = [] # Create a new user list for input
for row in reader:
if any(row): # Pick up the non-blank row of list
print (row) # Just for verification
user_list.append(row) # Compose all the rest data into the list
my suggestion would be to just use the csv reader who can delimite the file into rows. Like this you can just check whether the row is empty and if so just continue.
import csv
with open('some.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
# the delimiter depends on how your CSV seperates values
csvReader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = '\t')
for row in csvReader:
# check if row is empty
if not (row):
Instead of
if not line:
This should work:
if not ''.join(line).strip():
import csv
ifile=csv.reader(open('C:\Users\BKA4ABT\Desktop\Test_Specification\RDBI.csv', 'rb'),delimiter=';')
for line in ifile:
if set(line).pop()=='':
for cell_value in line:
print cell_value
You can always check for the number of comma separated values. It seems to be much more productive and efficient.
When reading the lines iteratively, as these are a list of comma separated values you would be getting a list object. So if there is no element (blank link), then we can make it skip.
with open(filename) as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=",")
for row in csv_reader:
if len(row) == 0:
You can strip leading and trailing whitespace, and if the length is zero after that the line is empty.