myclass (unsigned int param) : param_ (param)
This construct is called a Member Initializer List in C++.
It initializes your member param_
to a value param
What is the difference between Initializing And Assignment inside constructor? &
What is the advantage?
There is a difference between Initializing a member using initializer list and assigning it an value inside the constructor body.
When you initialize fields via initializer list the constructors will be called once.
If you use the assignment then the fields will be first initialized with default constructors and then reassigned (via assignment operator) with actual values.
As you see there is an additional overhead of creation & assignment in the latter, which might be considerable for user defined classes.
For an integer data type(for which you use it) or POD class members there is no practical overhead.
When do you HAVE TO
use member Initializer list?
You will have(rather forced) to use a Member Initializer list if:
Your class has a reference member
Your class has a const member or
Your class doesn't have a default constructor
A code Example that depict the HAVE TO
class MyClass
int &i; //reference member, has to be Initialized in Member Initializer List
int j;
const int k; //const member, has to be Initialized in Member Initializer List
MyClass(int a, int b, int c):i(a),j(b),k(c)
class MyClass2:public MyClass
int p;
int q;
MyClass2(int x,int y,int z,int l,int m):MyClass(x,y,z),p(l),q(m)
int main()
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
int z = 30;
MyClass obj(x,y,z);
int l = 40;
int m = 50;
MyClass2 obj2(x,y,z,l,m);
return 0;
doesn't have a default constructor so it has to be initialized through member initializer list.