How to print color in console using System.out.println?

后端 未结 13 2340
灰色年华 2020-11-22 05:22

How can I print color in console? I want to show data in colors when the processor sends data and in different colors when it receives data.

  • 2020-11-22 06:06

    If your terminal supports it, you can use ANSI escape codes to use color in your output. It generally works for Unix shell prompts; however, it doesn't work for Windows Command Prompt (Although, it does work for Cygwin). For example, you could define constants like these for the colors:

    public static final String ANSI_RESET = "\u001B[0m";
    public static final String ANSI_BLACK = "\u001B[30m";
    public static final String ANSI_RED = "\u001B[31m";
    public static final String ANSI_GREEN = "\u001B[32m";
    public static final String ANSI_YELLOW = "\u001B[33m";
    public static final String ANSI_BLUE = "\u001B[34m";
    public static final String ANSI_PURPLE = "\u001B[35m";
    public static final String ANSI_CYAN = "\u001B[36m";
    public static final String ANSI_WHITE = "\u001B[37m";

    Then, you could reference those as necessary.

    For example, using the above constants, you could make the following red text output on supported terminals:

    System.out.println(ANSI_RED + "This text is red!" + ANSI_RESET);

    Update: You might want to check out the Jansi library. It provides an API and has support for Windows using JNI. I haven't tried it yet; however, it looks promising.

    Update 2: Also, if you wish to change the background color of the text to a different color, you could try the following as well:

    public static final String ANSI_BLACK_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[40m";
    public static final String ANSI_RED_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[41m";
    public static final String ANSI_GREEN_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[42m";
    public static final String ANSI_YELLOW_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[43m";
    public static final String ANSI_BLUE_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[44m";
    public static final String ANSI_PURPLE_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[45m";
    public static final String ANSI_CYAN_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[46m";
    public static final String ANSI_WHITE_BACKGROUND = "\u001B[47m";

    For instance:

    System.out.println(ANSI_GREEN_BACKGROUND + "This text has a green background but default text!" + ANSI_RESET);
    System.out.println(ANSI_RED + "This text has red text but a default background!" + ANSI_RESET);
    System.out.println(ANSI_GREEN_BACKGROUND + ANSI_RED + "This text has a green background and red text!" + ANSI_RESET);
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  • 2020-11-22 06:08

    I created a library called JColor that works on Linux, macOS, and Windows 10.

    It uses the ANSI codes mentioned by WhiteFang, but abstracts them using words instead of codes which is more intuitive. Recently I added support for 8 and 24 bit colors

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  • 2020-11-22 06:08

    Try the following enum :

    enum Color {
        //Color end string, color reset
        // Regular Colors. Normal color, no bold, background color etc.
        BLACK("\033[0;30m"),    // BLACK
        RED("\033[0;31m"),      // RED
        GREEN("\033[0;32m"),    // GREEN
        YELLOW("\033[0;33m"),   // YELLOW
        BLUE("\033[0;34m"),     // BLUE
        MAGENTA("\033[0;35m"),  // MAGENTA
        CYAN("\033[0;36m"),     // CYAN
        WHITE("\033[0;37m"),    // WHITE
        // Bold
        BLACK_BOLD("\033[1;30m"),   // BLACK
        RED_BOLD("\033[1;31m"),     // RED
        GREEN_BOLD("\033[1;32m"),   // GREEN
        YELLOW_BOLD("\033[1;33m"),  // YELLOW
        BLUE_BOLD("\033[1;34m"),    // BLUE
        MAGENTA_BOLD("\033[1;35m"), // MAGENTA
        CYAN_BOLD("\033[1;36m"),    // CYAN
        WHITE_BOLD("\033[1;37m"),   // WHITE
        // Underline
        BLACK_UNDERLINED("\033[4;30m"),     // BLACK
        RED_UNDERLINED("\033[4;31m"),       // RED
        GREEN_UNDERLINED("\033[4;32m"),     // GREEN
        YELLOW_UNDERLINED("\033[4;33m"),    // YELLOW
        BLUE_UNDERLINED("\033[4;34m"),      // BLUE
        MAGENTA_UNDERLINED("\033[4;35m"),   // MAGENTA
        CYAN_UNDERLINED("\033[4;36m"),      // CYAN
        WHITE_UNDERLINED("\033[4;37m"),     // WHITE
        // Background
        BLACK_BACKGROUND("\033[40m"),   // BLACK
        RED_BACKGROUND("\033[41m"),     // RED
        GREEN_BACKGROUND("\033[42m"),   // GREEN
        YELLOW_BACKGROUND("\033[43m"),  // YELLOW
        BLUE_BACKGROUND("\033[44m"),    // BLUE
        MAGENTA_BACKGROUND("\033[45m"), // MAGENTA
        CYAN_BACKGROUND("\033[46m"),    // CYAN
        WHITE_BACKGROUND("\033[47m"),   // WHITE
        // High Intensity
        BLACK_BRIGHT("\033[0;90m"),     // BLACK
        RED_BRIGHT("\033[0;91m"),       // RED
        GREEN_BRIGHT("\033[0;92m"),     // GREEN
        YELLOW_BRIGHT("\033[0;93m"),    // YELLOW
        BLUE_BRIGHT("\033[0;94m"),      // BLUE
        MAGENTA_BRIGHT("\033[0;95m"),   // MAGENTA
        CYAN_BRIGHT("\033[0;96m"),      // CYAN
        WHITE_BRIGHT("\033[0;97m"),     // WHITE
        // Bold High Intensity
        BLACK_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;90m"),    // BLACK
        RED_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;91m"),      // RED
        GREEN_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;92m"),    // GREEN
        YELLOW_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;93m"),   // YELLOW
        BLUE_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;94m"),     // BLUE
        MAGENTA_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;95m"),  // MAGENTA
        CYAN_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;96m"),     // CYAN
        WHITE_BOLD_BRIGHT("\033[1;97m"),    // WHITE
        // High Intensity backgrounds
        BLACK_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;100m"),     // BLACK
        RED_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;101m"),       // RED
        GREEN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;102m"),     // GREEN
        YELLOW_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;103m"),    // YELLOW
        BLUE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;104m"),      // BLUE
        MAGENTA_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;105m"),   // MAGENTA
        CYAN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;106m"),      // CYAN
        WHITE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT("\033[0;107m");     // WHITE
        private final String code;
        Color(String code) {
            this.code = code;
        public String toString() {
            return code;

    And now we will make a small example:

    class RunApp {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("YELLOW & BLUE");
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 06:08

    You could do this using ANSI escape sequences. I've actually put together this class in Java for anyone that would like a simple workaround for this. It allows for more than just color codes.

    (Ported from:

    Example Use:

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.raw("Hello, ")
          .underline("John Doe")
          .raw(". ")
          .raw("This is ")
          .color16(StringBuilder.Color16.FG_RED, "red")
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 06:13

    Here are a list of colors in a Java class with public static fields


    System.out.println(ConsoleColors.RED + "RED COLORED" +
    ConsoleColors.RESET + " NORMAL");

    Note Don't forget to use the RESET after printing as the effect will remain if it's not cleared

    public class ConsoleColors {
        // Reset
        public static final String RESET = "\033[0m";  // Text Reset
        // Regular Colors
        public static final String BLACK = "\033[0;30m";   // BLACK
        public static final String RED = "\033[0;31m";     // RED
        public static final String GREEN = "\033[0;32m";   // GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW = "\033[0;33m";  // YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE = "\033[0;34m";    // BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE = "\033[0;35m";  // PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN = "\033[0;36m";    // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE = "\033[0;37m";   // WHITE
        // Bold
        public static final String BLACK_BOLD = "\033[1;30m";  // BLACK
        public static final String RED_BOLD = "\033[1;31m";    // RED
        public static final String GREEN_BOLD = "\033[1;32m";  // GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW_BOLD = "\033[1;33m"; // YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE_BOLD = "\033[1;34m";   // BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE_BOLD = "\033[1;35m"; // PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN_BOLD = "\033[1;36m";   // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE_BOLD = "\033[1;37m";  // WHITE
        // Underline
        public static final String BLACK_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;30m";  // BLACK
        public static final String RED_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;31m";    // RED
        public static final String GREEN_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;32m";  // GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;33m"; // YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;34m";   // BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;35m"; // PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;36m";   // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE_UNDERLINED = "\033[4;37m";  // WHITE
        // Background
        public static final String BLACK_BACKGROUND = "\033[40m";  // BLACK
        public static final String RED_BACKGROUND = "\033[41m";    // RED
        public static final String GREEN_BACKGROUND = "\033[42m";  // GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW_BACKGROUND = "\033[43m"; // YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE_BACKGROUND = "\033[44m";   // BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE_BACKGROUND = "\033[45m"; // PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN_BACKGROUND = "\033[46m";   // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE_BACKGROUND = "\033[47m";  // WHITE
        // High Intensity
        public static final String BLACK_BRIGHT = "\033[0;90m";  // BLACK
        public static final String RED_BRIGHT = "\033[0;91m";    // RED
        public static final String GREEN_BRIGHT = "\033[0;92m";  // GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW_BRIGHT = "\033[0;93m"; // YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE_BRIGHT = "\033[0;94m";   // BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE_BRIGHT = "\033[0;95m"; // PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN_BRIGHT = "\033[0;96m";   // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE_BRIGHT = "\033[0;97m";  // WHITE
        // Bold High Intensity
        public static final String BLACK_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;90m"; // BLACK
        public static final String RED_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;91m";   // RED
        public static final String GREEN_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;92m"; // GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;93m";// YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;94m";  // BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;95m";// PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;96m";  // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE_BOLD_BRIGHT = "\033[1;97m"; // WHITE
        // High Intensity backgrounds
        public static final String BLACK_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;100m";// BLACK
        public static final String RED_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;101m";// RED
        public static final String GREEN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;102m";// GREEN
        public static final String YELLOW_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;103m";// YELLOW
        public static final String BLUE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;104m";// BLUE
        public static final String PURPLE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;105m"; // PURPLE
        public static final String CYAN_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;106m";  // CYAN
        public static final String WHITE_BACKGROUND_BRIGHT = "\033[0;107m";   // WHITE
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 06:14

    A fairly portable way of doing it is with the raw escape sequences. See

    [edited for user9999999 on 2017-02-20]

    Java doesn't "handle the codes", that's true, but Java outputs what you told it to output. it's not Java's fault that the Windows console treats ESC (chr(27)) as just another glyph (←).

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