Gnuplot, pm3d and surfaces

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-03 19:55

I have a question about pm3d and gnuplot. I want to plot two different surfaces with two different pm3d styles. How can i do that? Is it possible? I tried with multiplot but

  • 2020-12-03 20:26

    Here is an example with pseudo data:

    set xrange[0:1]
    set yrange[0:1]
    set cbrange[0:1]
    set palette defined (0 'green', 1 'red', 1 'blue', 2 'white')
    set isosamples 100
    set samples 100
    set pm3d depthorder
    set view 60,335
    splot '++' using 1:2:2:(0.5*$2) with pm3d title 'red -> green',\
          '++' using 1:2:1:(0.5*(1+$1)) with pm3d title 'blue -> white'

    Result: enter image description here

    To use data instead of these pseudo data generated by '++' you can use stats to determine the data ranges and scale the surface colors accordingly to [0:0.5] for one, and to [0.5:1] for the other.

    This concept with the different color ranges to incorporate two palettes in one does work only for data files (including pseudo data files). To plot two spheres beneath each other with different colors, one can first produce a data file, which is later used for pm3d plotting:

    # generate the sphere data
    set samples 100
    set isosamples 100
    set parametric
    set urange[0:2*pi]
    set vrange[0:pi]
    set table 'spheres.dat'
    r = 0.25
    splot r*cos(u)*sin(v),r*sin(u)*sin(v),r*cos(v) with lines
    unset table
    unset parametric
    # plot the generated data set
    set xrange[-1:1]
    set yrange[-1:1]
    set cbrange[-1:3]
    set palette defined (0 'black', 1 'green', 1 'black', 2 'red')
    set pm3d depthorder
    unset colorbox
    unset key
    set ticslevel 0
    set view 19,34
    splot 'spheres.dat' using ($1-0.5):2:3:($3/r) with pm3d, \
          '' using ($1+0.5):2:3:($3/r + 2) with pm3d

    The result is enter image description here

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