I always get the following exception in Firefox (3.6.14):
TypeError: Object.create is not a function
It is quite confusing because I am pre
Object.create is part of ES5 and only available in Firefox 4.
As long as you are not doing any add-on development for browsers, you should not expect browsers to implement ES5 features (especially older browsers). You'd have to provide your own implementation then (like the own provided by @Squeegy).
I use this way(also working in ECMAScript 3):-
function customCreateObject(p) {
if (p == null) throw TypeError(); // p must be a non-null object
if (Object.create) // If Object.create() is defined...
return Object.create(p); // then just use it.
var t = typeof p; // Otherwise do some more type checking
if (t !== "object" && t !== "function") throw TypeError();
function f() {}; // Define a dummy constructor function.
f.prototype = p; // Set its prototype property to p.
return new f(); // Use f() to create an "heir" of p.
var obj = { eid: 1,name:'Xyz' };
is a new feature of EMCAScript5. Sadly it is not widely supported with native code.
Though you should be able to add non-native support with this snippet.
if (typeof Object.create === 'undefined') {
Object.create = function (o) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
Which I believe is from Crockford's Javascript: The Good Parts.