I\'ve browsed quite a few threads on here and on other sites for solutions to this problem.
Here\'s my FileMonitor class:
class FileMonitor
I've tried to use the FileSystemWatcher class before (many years ago it turns out - 2008), and experienced major problems. It is a leaky abstraction at best. I reported my findings back then on CodeProject. Look for "Glytzhkof" in the comments list. As I recall I had problems with just about every aspect of the class, but it might have been improved now after so many years.
In summary my experience back in the day was that events disappeared altogether or piled up causing exceptions based on variables such as whether a disk's write cache was enabled, whether RAID, NAS or regular disks were accessed, and other random hardware issues that I do not recall exactly. Interestingly it seems it worked with UNC paths. No idea why. Mapped drives failed.
Have a look at the summary in the Code Project discussion. I am sure there are improvements since I tried it out, and a few new bugs perhaps :-). It seems disk storage hardware is hard to deal with as a high level abstraction - it leaks. Personally I ended up scanning for files manually using a service and regular disk functions. I wasted a lot of time before doing things manually.
UPDATE: See new info here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23704476/129130
I've had the same problem and after much ado came to the conclusion that Notepad writes a file three times (!) in row. If an app really saves that much often (maybe to triangulate backups and such) there isn't much you can do.
I also noticed you have attached to all events, you should narrow it down to the least you need and filter out those you aren't interested in with the NotifyFilters.