Using Sphinx to automatically generate a separate document for each function

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南笙 2020-12-03 19:06

I\'ve been building a Python module with many different functions.

I\'m using Sphinx and readthedocs to provide documentation. I\'ve made decent progress, but curre

  • 2020-12-03 19:21

    I think the sphinx-automodapi Sphinx extension may do what you need. Essentially to document a module you would just do:

    .. automodapi:: mypackage.mymodule

    and it will generate the table and individual pages for each function.

    Disclaimer: I am an author of sphinx-automodapi

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  • 2020-12-03 19:37

    In the answer to Sorting display by class using sphinx with 'autodoc'? it is explained how to generate documentation for classes with one page per class, using autosummary with autosummary_generate=True.

    This mechanism works for functions too. Use something like this:

    EoN API documentation
    .. currentmodule:: EoN
    .. autosummary::
       :toctree: functions

    You have to enumerate each function in the autosummary directive, but the corresponding *.rst files are generated automatically (in the functions subdirectory).

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