when I try to get json that doesn\'t have object, it works fine. but when I try go get json that has an object it\'s getting error.
Have you got any idea?
carid = new ArrayList<String>();
carlogo = new ArrayList<String>();
carname = new ArrayList<String>();
prize = new ArrayList<String>();
availibility = new ArrayList<String>();
ListView carlist=(ListView)findViewById(R.id.listcardetails);
adapter=new CustomAdapter(this, carid, carlogo, carname, prize, availibility);
It is better to use
instead of getJSONObject
because it will not through exception.
Please check PHP File URL in Browser if get the data means you have problem in android side if browser not shows the data it means problem in PHP file.
Sometimes the probleme is the URL, if your website forces HTTPS, you have to make sure that you are using an HTTPS URL in your APP.
String url = "https://example.com/adchara1/";
I'm not seeing you assign anything to result after this String result = "";
in here pastebin.com/mNVGEnD5
and if you trying to get json object with this
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
it'll surely return end of input at character 0 because the string result is empty maybe you can try to replace it with some jsonString you can use this as an example :
"result": "OK",
"member_id": "32",
"first_name": "Android",
"last_name": "JSON",
"nickname": "HEY",
"accesskey": "123556332",
"facebook_id": "0",
"facebook_token_expire_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"facebook_token_expire_date2": "0000000000000",
"facebook_token_refresh_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"facebook_token_key": "null",
"status_active": 1
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
result=getJSONUrl(url); //<< get json string from server
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result);
inside doInBackground
method of DownloadJSONFileAsync
because currently you are not making any post for getting Json data from the server and just trying to parse an empty string to json