Check if NULL exists in Postgres array

前端 未结 4 786
既然无缘 2020-12-03 17:43

Similar to this question, how can I find if a NULL value exists in an array?

Here are some attempts.

SELECT num, ar, expected,
  ar @> ARRAY[NULL]         

  • 2020-12-03 18:29

    PostgreSQL 9.5 (I know you spcified 9.1, but anyway) has the array_position() function to do just what you want without having to use the horribly inefficient unnest() for something as trivial as this (see test4):

    patrick@puny:~$ psql -d test
    psql (9.5.0)
    Type "help" for help.
    test=# SELECT num, ar, expected,
      ar @> ARRAY[NULL]::int[] AS test1,
      NULL = ANY (ar) AS test2,
      array_to_string(ar, ', ') <> array_to_string(ar, ', ', '(null)') AS test3,
      coalesce(array_position(ar, NULL::int), 0) > 0 AS test4
    FROM (
      SELECT 1 AS num, '{1,2,NULL}'::int[] AS ar, true AS expected
      UNION SELECT 2, '{1,2,3}'::int[], false
    ) td ORDER BY num;
     num |     ar     | expected | test1 | test2 | test3 | test4
       1 | {1,2,NULL} | t        | f     |       | t     | t
       2 | {1,2,3}    | f        | f     |       | f     | f
    (2 rows)
    0 讨论(0)
  • Postgres 9.1

    If you know a single element that can never exist in your arrays, you can use this fast expression in Postgres 9.1 (or any version of Postgres). Say you have an array of positive numbers, so -1 can't be in it:

    -1 = ANY(ar) IS NULL

    Related answer with detailed explanation:

    • Is array all NULLs in PostgreSQL

    If you cannot be absolutely sure, you could fall back to one of the expensive but safe methods with unnest(). Like:

    (SELECT bool_or(x IS NULL) FROM unnest(ar) x)


    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM unnest(ar) x WHERE x IS NULL)

    But you can have fast and safe with a CASE expression. Use an unlikely number and fall back to the safe method if it should exist. You may want to treat the case ar IS NULL separately. See demo below.

    Postgres 9.3

    In Postgres 9.3 or later you can test with the built-in function array_remove() or array_replace() .

    Postgres 9.5+

    Or use array_position() in Postgres 9.5 or later like @Patrick added. I included improved variants.


    SELECT num, ar, expect
         , -1 = ANY(ar) IS NULL                                   AS t_1   --  50 ms
         , (SELECT bool_or(x IS NULL) FROM unnest(ar) x)          AS t_2   -- 754 ms
         , EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM unnest(ar) x WHERE x IS NULL)    AS t_3   -- 521 ms
         , CASE -1 = ANY(ar)
             WHEN TRUE THEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM unnest(ar) x WHERE x IS NULL)
             ELSE NULLIF(ar IS NOT NULL, FALSE)  -- catch ar IS NULL       --  55 ms
          -- ELSE TRUE  -- simpler for columns defined NOT NULL            --  51 ms
           END                                                    AS t_91
         , array_replace(ar, NULL, 0) <> ar                       AS t_93a --  99 ms
         , array_remove(ar, NULL) <> ar                           AS t_93b --  96 ms
         , cardinality(array_remove(ar, NULL)) <> cardinality(ar) AS t_94  --  81 ms
         , COALESCE(array_position(ar, NULL::int), 0) > 0         AS t_95a --  49 ms
         , array_position(ar, NULL) IS NOT NULL                   AS t_95b --  45 ms
         , CASE WHEN ar IS NOT NULL
                THEN array_position(ar, NULL) IS NOT NULL END     AS t_95c --  48 ms
    FROM  (
       VALUES (1, '{1,2,NULL}'::int[], true)     -- extended test case
            , (2, '{-1,NULL,2}'      , true)
            , (3, '{NULL}'           , true)
            , (4, '{1,2,3}'          , false)
            , (5, '{-1,2,3}'         , false)
            , (6, NULL               , null)
       ) t(num, ar, expect);


     num |     ar      | expect | t_1    | t_2  | t_3 | t_91 | t_93a | t_93b | t_94 | t_95a | t_95b | t_95c
       1 | {1,2,NULL}  | t      | t      | t    | t   | t    | t     | t     | t    | t     | t     | t
       2 | {-1,NULL,2} | t      | f --!! | t    | t   | t    | t     | t     | t    | t     | t     | t
       3 | {NULL}      | t      | t      | t    | t   | t    | t     | t     | t    | t     | t     | t
       4 | {1,2,3}     | f      | f      | f    | f   | f    | f     | f     | f    | f     | f     | f
       5 | {-1,2,3}    | f      | f      | f    | f   | f    | f     | f     | f    | f     | f     | f
       6 | NULL        | NULL   | t --!! | NULL | f   | NULL | NULL  | NULL  | NULL | f     | f     | NULL

    Note that array_remove() and array_position() are not allowed for multi-dimensional arrays. All expressions to the right of t_93a only work for 1-dimenstioal arrays.

    db<>fiddle here (Postgres 11, with more tests).
    Old sqlfiddle for Postgres 9.6.

    Benchmark setup

    The added times are from a benchmark test with 200k rows in Postgres 9.5. This is my setup:

    SELECT row_number() OVER() AS num
         , array_agg(elem) AS ar
         , bool_or(elem IS NULL) AS expected
    FROM  (
       SELECT CASE WHEN random() > .95 THEN NULL ELSE g END AS elem  -- 5% NULL VALUES
            , count(*) FILTER (WHERE random() > .8)
                       OVER (ORDER BY g) AS grp  -- avg 5 element per array
       FROM   generate_series (1, 1000000) g  -- increase for big test case
       ) sub
    GROUP  BY grp;

    Function wrapper

    For repeated use, I would create a function in Postgres 9.5 like this:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_array_has_null (anyarray)
     'SELECT array_position($1, NULL) IS NOT NULL';

    Using a polymorphic input type this works for any array type, not just int[].

    Make it IMMUTABLE to allow performance optimization and index expressions.

    • Does PostgreSQL support "accent insensitive" collations?

    But don't make it STRICT, which would disable "function inlining" and impair performance.

    • Function executes faster without STRICT modifier?

    If you need to catch the case ar IS NULL, instead of making the function STRICT, use:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_array_has_null (anyarray)
                  THEN array_position($1, NULL) IS NOT NULL END';

    For Postgres 9.1 use the t_91 expression from above. The rest applies unchanged.

    Closely related:

    • How to determine if NULL is contained in an array in Postgres?
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 18:33

    I use this

        array_position(array[1,null], null) is not null

    array_position - returns the subscript of the first occurrence of the second argument in the array, starting at the element indicated by the third argument or at the first element (array must be one-dimensional)

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-03 18:49

    PostgreSQL's UNNEST() function is a better choice.You can write a simple function like below to check for NULL values in an array.

    create or replace function NULL_EXISTS(val anyelement) returns boolean as
    select exists (
        select 1 from unnest(val) arr(el) where el is null
    language sql 

    For example,

    SELECT NULL_EXISTS(array [1,2,NULL])
          ,NULL_EXISTS(array [1,2,3]);


    null_exists null_exists 
    ----------- -------------- 
    t           f     

    So, You can use NULL_EXISTS() function in your query like below.

    SELECT num, ar, expected,NULL_EXISTS(ar)
    FROM (
      SELECT 1 AS num, '{1,2,NULL}'::int[] AS ar, true AS expected
      UNION SELECT 2, '{1,2,3}'::int[], false
    ) td ORDER BY num;
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