I have this written at the very first line on every page of my website.
and restd.php contains the following lines
Your session directory (probably /tmp/
) is not writable.
Check with session_save_path() if it is writable.
if (!is_writable(session_save_path())) {
echo 'Session path "'.session_save_path().'" is not writable for PHP!';
In my case I forgot that I had the PHP flag session.cookie_secure
set to on
, while the development environment was not TLS-secured.
More information about Session/Cookie parameters.
I had the same problem and found a work-around for it. If anybody can explain why the session is not read even when the cookie is there, please let me know.
// logged.php
// The PHP session system will figure out whether to use cookies or URLs to pass the SID
if(!isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && !isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) && authenticationRoutine(/* Returns true if succesfully authenticated */) ) {
// Insecure restd.php (The user can forge a stolen SID cookie or URL GET request, but that is inherent with PHP sessions)
if(!isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && !isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) {header('Location: index.php')}
Even though the cookie was there and I prevented starting a new session, the session had not been read and started, so no session variables were available. In this case I check if the session has been started first (not using session_status()
because it doesn't exist in PHP 3.5, which for some reason is the most widespread among hosts). If no session has been started within PHP, I check if it had been started before by testing the cookies and GET variables. If a session ID was found, the script resumes the session with that ID. If no ID is available, the user gets redirected to the index.
// restd.php
if(empty(session_id())) {
if(isset($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) && !empty($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'])) {session_id($_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']);}
elseif(isset($_GET['PHPSESSID']) && !empty($_GET['PHPSESSID'])) {session_id($_GET['PHPSESSID']);}
else {header('Location: index.php'); exit(0);}
Couple things:
your include file doesn't have the <?php ?>
tags, so the content will not be evaluated as PHP
Session_start must be called before you start outputting anything. Is that the case?
you need declare $_SESSION['id']
$_SESSION['id'] = '123'
include 'file1.php'
You still don't even answer where you SET $_SESSION['id']. $pid = $_SESSION['id']
does not set the session variable. session_start()
comes before ANYTHING session related, it's not shown before your include.