I need a method for adding \"business days\" in PHP. For example, Friday 12/5 + 3 business days = Wednesday 12/10.
At a minimum I need the code to understand weekend
function AddWorkDays(){
$i = 0;
$d = 5; // Number of days to add
while($i <= $d) {
if(date('N', mktime(0, 0, 0, date(m), date(d)+$i, date(Y))) < 5) {
return date(Y).','.date(m).','.(date(d)+$d);
function get_business_days_forward_from_date($num_days, $start_date='', $rtn_fmt='Y-m-d') {
// $start_date will default to today
if ($start_date=='') { $start_date = date("Y-m-d"); }
$business_day_ct = 0;
$max_days = 10000 + $num_days; // to avoid any possibility of an infinite loop
// define holidays, this currently only goes to 2012 because, well, you know... ;-)
// if the world is still here after that, you can find more at
// http://www.opm.gov/Operating_Status_Schedules/fedhol/2013.asp
// always add holidays in order, because the iteration will stop when the holiday is > date being tested
$curr_date_ymd = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_date));
for ($x=1;$x<$max_days;$x++)
if (intval($num_days)==intval($business_day_ct)) { return(date($rtn_fmt, strtotime($curr_date_ymd))); } // date found - return
// get next day to check
$curr_date_ymd = date('Y-m-d', (strtotime($start_date)+($x * 86400))); // add 1 day to the current date
$is_business_day = 1;
// check if this is a weekend 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
if ( intval(date("N",strtotime($curr_date_ymd))) > 5) { $is_business_day = 0; }
//check for holiday
foreach($fed_holidays as $holiday)
if (strtotime($holiday)==strtotime($curr_date_ymd)) // holiday found
$is_business_day = 0;
break 1;
if (strtotime($holiday)>strtotime($curr_date_ymd)) { break 1; } // past date, stop searching (always add holidays in order)
$business_day_ct = $business_day_ct + $is_business_day; // increment if this is a business day
// if we get here, you are hosed
return ("ERROR");
Just finished writing an API that can be used to manipulate business days (none of these solutions quite worked for my situation :-); linking to it here in case anyone else finds it useful.
~ Nate
PHP Class to Calculate Business Days
There are some args for the date() function that should help. If you check date("w") it will give you a number for the day of the week, from 0 for Sunday through 6 for Saturday. So.. maybe something like..
$busDays = 3;
$day = date("w");
if( $day > 2 && $day <= 5 ) { /* if between Wed and Fri */
$day += 2; /* add 2 more days for weekend */
$day += $busDays;
This is just a rough example of one possibility..
/** Given a number days out, what day is that when counting by 'business' days
* get the next business day. by default it looks for next business day
* ie calling $date = get_next_busines_day(); on monday will return tuesday
* $date = get_next_busines_day(2); on monday will return wednesday
* $date = get_next_busines_day(2); on friday will return tuesday
* @param $number_of_business_days (integer) how many business days out do you want
* @param $start_date (string) strtotime parseable time value
* @param $ignore_holidays (boolean) true/false to ignore holidays
* @param $return_format (string) as specified in php.net/date
function get_next_business_day($number_of_business_days=1,$start_date='today',$ignore_holidays=false,$return_format='m/d/y') {
// get the start date as a string to time
$result = strtotime($start_date);
// now keep adding to today's date until number of business days is 0 and we land on a business day
while ($number_of_business_days > 0) {
// add one day to the start date
$result = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',$result) . " + 1 day");
// this day counts if it's a weekend and not a holiday, or if we choose to ignore holidays
if (is_weekday(date('Y-m-d',$result)) && (!(is_holiday(date('Y-m-d',$result))) || $ignore_holidays) )
// when my $number of business days is exausted I have my final date
function is_weekend($date) {
// return if this is a weekend date or not.
return (date('N', strtotime($date)) >= 6);
function is_weekday($date) {
// return if this is a weekend date or not.
return (date('N', strtotime($date)) < 6);
function is_holiday($date) {
// return if this is a holiday or not.
// what are my holidays for this year
$holidays = array("New Year's Day 2011" => "12/31/10",
"Good Friday" => "04/06/12",
"Memorial Day" => "05/28/12",
"Independence Day" => "07/04/12",
"Floating Holiday" => "12/31/12",
"Labor Day" => "09/03/12",
"Thanksgiving Day" => "11/22/12",
"Day After Thanksgiving Day" => "11/23/12",
"Christmas Eve" => "12/24/12",
"Christmas Day" => "12/25/12",
"New Year's Day 2012" => "01/02/12",
"New Year's Day 2013" => "01/01/13"
return(in_array(date('m/d/y', strtotime($date)),$holidays));
print get_next_business_day(1) . "\n";
The add_business_days has a small bug. Try the following with the existing function and the output will be a Saturday.
Startdate = Friday Business days to add = 1 Holidays array = Add date for the following Monday.
I have fixed that in my function below.
function add_business_days($startdate, $buisnessdays, $holidays = array(), $dateformat = 'Y-m-d'){
$i= 1;
$dayx= strtotime($startdate);
$buisnessdays= ceil($buisnessdays);
while($i < $buisnessdays)
$day= date('N',$dayx);
$date= date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
if($day < 6 && !in_array($date,$holidays))
$dayx= strtotime($date.' +1 day');
## If the calculated day falls on a weekend or is a holiday, then add days to the next business day
$day= date('N',$dayx);
$date= date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
while($day >= 6 || in_array($date,$holidays))
$dayx= strtotime($date.' +1 day');
$day= date('N',$dayx);
$date= date('Y-m-d',$dayx);
return date($dateformat, $dayx);}