A generic and non-regex solution:
I've modified @felix-kling's answer. Now it only replaces text if it finds the needles.
Also, I've added parameters for replacing the needles, starting position and replacing all the matches.
I've used the mb_
functions for making the function multi-byte safe.
If you need a case insensitive solution then replace mb_strpos
calls with mb_stripos
function replaceBetween($string, $needleStart, $needleEnd, $replacement,
$replaceNeedles = false, $startPos = 0, $replaceAll = false) {
$posStart = mb_strpos($string, $needleStart, $startPos);
if ($posStart === false) {
return $string;
$start = $posStart + ($replaceNeedles ? 0 : mb_strlen($needleStart));
$posEnd = mb_strpos($string, $needleEnd, $start);
if ($posEnd === false) {
return $string;
$length = $posEnd - $start + ($replaceNeedles ? mb_strlen($needleEnd) : 0);
$result = substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length);
if ($replaceAll) {
$nextStartPos = $start + mb_strlen($replacement) + mb_strlen($needleEnd);
if ($nextStartPos >= mb_strlen($string)) {
return $result;
return replaceBetween($result, $needleStart, $needleEnd, $replacement, $replaceNeedles, $nextStartPos, true);
return $result;
$string = "{ Some} how it {is} here{";
echo replaceBetween($string, '{', '}', '(hey)', true, 0, true); // (hey) how it (hey) here{