I have a dictionary like:
\"checksum\": \"b884cbfb1a6697fa9b9eea9cb2054183\",
\"roots\": {
\"bookmark_bar\": {
\"children\": [ {
I had a slightly different use case from you: I needed to flatten a variable depth JSON structure representing client settings into key-value pairs for storage in a database. I couldn't get jsbueno's answer to work, and since I also needed something that could handle cases without children being explicitly listing or contained, I modified it to suit my needs:
def traverse(dic, path=None):
if not path:
if isinstance(dic,dict):
for x in dic.keys():
local_path = path[:]
for b in traverse(dic[x], local_path):
yield b
yield path,dic
The end result is i can pass in a JSON string like this to my script (with variable depths), which converts it to nested dicts:
"servers": {
"uat": {
"pkey": true,
"user": "testval",
"pass": true
"dev": {
"pkey": true,
"user": "testval",
"pass": true
running the generator above against it creates a list that pretty-prints like this:
([u'servers', u'uat', u'pkey'], True)
([u'servers', u'uat', u'user'], u'testval')
([u'servers', u'uat', u'pass'], True)
([u'servers', u'dev', u'pkey'], True)
([u'servers', u'dev', u'user'], u'testval')
([u'servers', u'dev', u'pass'], True)
Which, using something like:
for x in traverse(outobj):
can then be transformed into the key-value pair format I want like so:
(u'servers.uat.pkey', True)
(u'servers.uat.user', u'testval')
(u'servers.uat.pass', True)
(u'servers.dev.pkey', True)
(u'servers.dev.user', u'testval')
(u'servers.dev.pass', True)
I know I'm posting this way after the accepted answer was accepted, but since the accepted answer didn't work for me, maybe this slight more structure-agnostic version will help someone else!
Not shure if I got what you want, but you might want to do this:
def traverse(dic, path=None):
if not path:
path = []
for i in dic:
local_path = path[:].append(i)
if i['type'] == 'folder':
for j in traverse(i['children'], local_path):
yield j, local_path
elif i['type'] == 'url':
yield i, local_path
Now your function yields the item and a sequence of the keys to get to the item at a certain location.