For a program I am writing, I am transferring an image from one computer - using base64.b64encode( - and trying to read it in the receiving script without savi
From the OpenCV documentation we can see that:
imread : Loads an image from a file.
imdecode : Reads an image from a buffer in memory.
Seem a better way to do what you want.
You can get a numpy array from you decoded data using:
import numpy as np
img = base64.b64decode(msg.payload)
npimg = np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8)
Then you need imdecode to read the image from a buffer in memory. imread is meant to load an image from a file.
import numpy as np
def on_message(client, userdata, msg): # msg.payload is incoming data
img = base64.b64decode(msg.payload);
npimg = np.fromstring(img, dtype=np.uint8);
source = cv2.imdecode(npimg, 1)