Does anybody here know what the Javascript call is to get the width/height of the entire browser window (including nav, menu, etc?)
I know there is outerWidth<
It's a variation of DreadPirateShawn's answer. Tested on IE7 and Chrome8. Originally appearing on Experts Exchange.
function getWindowSize() {
var wW, wH;
if (window.outerWidth) {
wW = window.outerWidth;
wH = window.outerHeight;
} else {
var cW = document.body.offsetWidth;
var cH = document.body.offsetHeight;
var barsW = 500 - document.body.offsetWidth;
var barsH = 500 - document.body.offsetHeight;
wW = barsW + cW;
wH = barsH + cH;
return { width: wW, height: wH };
I believe this is what you want
I don't think it is possible.
It might be worth reviewing Chapter 14 of O'Reilly's: JavaScript - The Definitive Guide, particularly section 14.3.1.
I think you can use
width: window.outerWidth
height: window.outerHeight
you can use jquery so it wont be undefined in ie. You might try and figure out there screen size first and then using the dimensions of the browser figure out the precise size.
This also could be helpful, depending on what exactly you're trying to accomplish:
window.moveTo(0,0); window.resizeTo(screen.width,screen.height); var navButtonsEtcHeight = screen.height - window.innerHeight; var navButtonsEtcWidth = screen.width - window.innerWidth;
Note: For browser-independent solution to "window.innerHeight" support, see this link
Then you have the answer you're looking for -- mind you, with the downside of the non-fullscreen user seeing their window bounce around the screen first.