JavaScript type casting

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无人及你 2020-12-03 16:18

Consider empty JavaScript array:

var a = [];
alert(a == false); // shows true
alert(!a); // shows false!

How to explain this? What are the

  • 2020-12-03 16:37


    a == false:

    In this case, the type of the left-hand side is object, the type of the right-hand side is boolean. Javascript first converts the boolean to a number, yielding 0. Then it converts the object to a "primitive", yielding the empty string. Next it compares the empty string to 0. The empty string is converted to a number, yielding 0, which is numerically equal to the 0 on the right-hand side, so the result of the entire expression is true.

    See §11.9.3 of the ECMAScript spec for all the gory details.


    In this case Javascript converts the object to the boolean true, then inverts it, resulting in false.

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  • 2020-12-03 16:39

    The == operator when one of the operands if Boolean, type-converts the other to Number.

    [] == 0;

    Is equivalent to:

    0 == 0;

    You can see the complete details of The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm on the specification.

    As you can see, an empty array object, when converted to Number, produces 0:

    +[]; // 0

    This is really because its toString method produces an empty string, for example:

    [].toString(); // ""
    +""; // 0
    Number(""); // 0
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  • 2020-12-03 16:41

    The ! operator checks whether its operand is "falsy".

    The following are true:

    • !false
    • !0
    • !null
    • !NaN
    • !undefined
    • !""

    The == operator checks for loose equality, which has nothing to do with falsiness.

    Specifically, a == b will convert to operands to numbers, then compare the numbers.
    Strings containing numbers convert to the numbers that they contain; booleans convert to 0 and 1.
    Objects are converted by calling valueOf, if defined.

    Thus, all of the following are true:

    • "1" == 1
    • "0" == false
    • "1" == true
    • "2" != true
    • "2" != false
    • ({ valueOf:function() { return 2; } }) == 2
    • ({ valueOf:function() { return 1; } }) == true
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  • 2020-12-03 16:42

    When comparing an object to a primitive value via the == operator, the object coerces into an primitive value itself (number or string). In this case [] coerces into 0, then false coerces into 0:

    [] == false
    0 == false
    0 == 0

    which is true.

    The ! operator coerces into boolean and then inverts the value. [] into boolean is true (like with any object). Then invert to become false

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  • 2020-12-03 16:54

    Not sure if this answers the question, but there is a new library for getting around all of Javascript's Typecasting weirdnesses:


    In a sentence, Typecast solves all the simple problems, so you can focus on the big ones. Typecast fixes what's wrong with Javascript by creating a complete platform for strongly-typed variables in Javascript.

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