I am trying the following code which adds a number to every row in an RDD and returns a list of RDDs using PySpark.
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
This is due to to the fact that lambdas refer to the i via reference! It has nothing to do with spark. See this
You can try this:
a =[(lambda y: (lambda x: y + int(x)))(i) for i in range(4)]
splits = [data.map(a[x]) for x in range(4)]
or in one line
splits = [
data.map([(lambda y: (lambda x: y + int(x)))(i) for i in range(4)][x])
for x in range(4)
It happens because of Python late binding and is not (Py)Spark specific. i
will be looked-up when lambda p : int(p) + i
is used, not when it is defined. Typically it means when it is called but in this particular context it is when it is serialized to be send to the workers.
You can do for example something like this:
def f(i):
def _f(x):
return int(x) + i
return _f
data = sc.parallelize(["1", "2", "3"])
splits = [data.map(f(i)) for i in range(4)]
[rdd.collect() for rdd in splits]
## [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5], [4, 5, 6]]