I want to calculate the number of weekdays days in a give month and year. Weekdays means monday to friday. How do i do it ?
Find the last day and the weekday for the given month
then do a simple while loop like :-
$dates = explode(',', date('t,N', strtotime('2013-11-01')));
$day = $dates[1];
$tot = $dates[0];
$cnt = 0;
while ($tot>1)
if ($day < 6)
if ($day == 1)
$day = 7;
$cnt = total of weekday (Monday to Friday) for a given month
try this one
function getWeekdays($m, $y = NULL){
$arrDtext = array('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri');
if(is_null($y) || (!is_null($y) && $y == ''))
$y = date('Y');
$d = 1;
$timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,$y);
$lastDate = date('t', $timestamp);
$workingDays = 0;
for($i=$d; $i<=$lastDate; $i++){
if(in_array(date('D', mktime(0,0,0,$m,$i,$y)), $arrDtext)){
return $workingDays;
function workingDays($m,$y) {
$days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $m, $y);
$workig_days = 0;
$days_rest = array(5,6); //friday,saturday
for ( $d=1 ; $d < $days+1 ; $d++ ) {
if ( !in_array(date("w",strtotime("{$d}-{$m}-{$y}")),$days_rest) ) {
return $workig_days;
These functions work Without Loops.
The functions calculate the number of weekdays using:
// main functions
// weekdays in month of year
function calculateNumberOfWeekDaysAtDate($month, $year)
// I'm sorry, I don't know the right format for the $month and $year, I hope this is right.
$firstMondayInCurrentMonth = (int) date("j", strtotime("first monday of 01-$month-$year")); //get first monday in month for calculations
$numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth = (int) date("t", strtotime("01-$month-$year")); // number of days in month
return calculateNumberOfWeekDaysFromFirstMondayAndNumberOfMonthDays($firstMondayInCurrentMonth, $numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth);
// week days in current month
function calculateNumberOfWeekDaysInCurrentMonth()
$firstMondayInCurrentMonth = (int) date("j", strtotime("first monday of this month")); //get first monday in month for calculations
$numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth = (int) date("t"); // number of days in this month
return calculateNumberOfWeekDaysFromFirstMondayAndNumberOfMonthDays($firstMondayInCurrentMonth, $numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth);
// helper functions
function calculateNumberOfWeekDaysFromFirstMondayAndNumberOfMonthDays($firstMondayInCurrentMonth, $numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth)
return $numberOfWeekDays = (($start = ($firstMondayInCurrentMonth - 3)) < 0 ? 0 : $start) + floor(($numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth - ($firstMondayInCurrentMonth - 1)) / 7) * 5 + (($rest = (($numberOfDaysOfCurrentMonth - ($firstMondayInCurrentMonth - 1)) % 7)) <= 5 ? $rest : 5);
DateObject method:
function getWorkingDays(DateTime $date) {
$month = clone $date;
$month->modify('last day of this month');
$workingDays = 0;
for ($i = $month->format('t'); $i > 28; --$i) {
if ($month->format('N') < 6) {
$month->modify('-1 day');
return 20 + $workingDays;
I've come up with a non-loop function. Much better in terms of performance. It might seem messy but it just needs to ask PHP the first day's weekday and the month's number days: the rest are arithmetical operations based on logic.
function countWorkDays($year, $month)
$workingWeekdays = 5;
$firstDayTimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$firstDayWeekDay = (int)date("N", $firstDayTimestamp); //1: monday, 7: saturday
$upToDay = (int)date("t", $firstDayTimestamp);
$firstMonday = 1 === $firstDayWeekDay ? 1 : 9 - $firstDayWeekDay;
$wholeWeeks = $firstMonday < $upToDay ? (int)floor(($upToDay - $firstMonday + 1) / 7) : 0;
$extraDays = ($upToDay - $firstMonday + 1) % 7;
$initialWorkdays = $firstMonday > 1 && $firstDayWeekDay <= $workingWeekdays ? $workingWeekdays - $firstDayWeekDay + 1 : 0;
$workdaysInWholeWeeks = $wholeWeeks * $workingWeekdays;
$extraWorkdays = $extraDays <= $workingWeekdays ? $extraDays : $workingWeekdays;
return $initialWorkdays + $workdaysInWholeWeeks + $extraWorkdays;