I have a query that allows me to get records from a database table by giving it a minimum and maximum limit.
It goes like this:
This is my solution to the problem:
declare @i int
declare @t table (row int, stuff varchar(99))
insert into @t
select 0,stuff from mytable -- <= your query
set @i=0
update @t set row=@i, @i=@i+1
select * from @t
You may ask, why don't i use the variable in the select statement? It would be simpler but it's not allowed, only if there is no result. It's ok to do it in an update.
I know this thread is bit old, but for anyone else looking for same solution, I think it will be useful to know that there is a good solution for this problem.
Please see the original link here
For those who do not want to click on the link, I have copied and pasted the code below. Again, credit goes to original publisher
Here is the below SQL for SQL Server 2000 to select the latest version of a record grouping by a single column.
FROM MyTable AS counter
WHERE counter.PartitionByColumn = MyTable.PartitionByColumn
AND counter.OrderByColumn >= MyTable.OrderByColumn
) AS rowNumber
FROM MyTable
) AS r1
WHERE r1.rowNumber = 1
Same code in SQL Server 2005 would look like this:
ORDER BY OrderByColumn DESC) AS rowNumber FROM MyTable) AS rw1
WHERE rw1.rowNumber = 1
Neither solution will support PARTITION BY
I've not mentioned loop or CURSOR based solutions which are probably worse
Edit 20 May 20011
Example demo of why IDENTITY won't work:
Do Inserted Records Always Receive Contiguous Identity Values
Use another function or upgrade your database. ROW_NUMBER did not exist back in the 2000 version of the database. Point. Nothing you can do about it.