I have problem with importing this library into eclipse. Things I did:
Open file build.gradle
and add this line on top:
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
In project directory invoke command
gradlew.bat eclipse
Open project in Eclipse (import) like normal eclipse project
More info: Eclipse Plugin
Alternatively use dedicated Eclipse plugin Gradle Integration for Eclipse 3.4.0.RELEASE
There is a simplest and quick way to import a Gradle project into Eclipse. Just download the Gradle plugin for Eclipse from here.
And then from import select Gradle and your project would be imported. Then you have to click on Build Model to run it.
EDIT Above link for Gradle plugin is no more valid. You can use the following link.
This library is built with Android Studio or Intellj. These steps with Gradle are referred to Android Studio or IntellJ.
I don't know this lib, but if you are using Eclipse, you should do:
(*) Eclipse uses src
and res
as source folders.
Android Studio instead uses src/main/java
, src/main/res
and src/main/aidl
as source folders.