I\'m experimenting with a Windows batch file to perform a simple operation which requires the user to enter a non-negative integer. I\'m using simple batch-file techniques t
You're probably not doing this in a DOS batch file. Or at least, support for set /p
is unheard of for me in DOS :-)
You could use substrings. In fact I have written a parser for a specific regular language that way once, but it's cumbersome. The easiest way would probably be to assign the contents of %userinput%
to another variable, using set /a
. If the result comes out as 0
you need to check whether the input itself was 0
, otherwise you can conclude it was a non-number:
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /p UserInput=Enter a number:
set /a Test=UserInput
if !Test! EQU 0 (
if !UserInput! EQU 0 (
echo Number
) else (
echo Not a number
) else (
echo Number
However, this works only for numbers in the range of Int32
. If you just care for any number (possibly floating-point as well) then you need to resort to the loop-based approach of dissecting it.
NOTE: Updated to solve the space issues. However, there is still a problem lurking: Entering 123/5
yields "number", since set /a
can evaluate this ...
SET /P number= Choose a number [1 or 2]:
IF %number% EQU 1 GOTO ONE
IF %number% NEQ 1 (
IF %number% EQU 2 GOTO TWO
IF %number% NEQ 2 (
ECHO You need to choose a NUMBER: 1 OR 2.
It works fine to me. If he chooses numbers less or greater, strings, floating number etc, he wil receive a message ("You need to choose a NUMBER: 1 OR 2.") and the INPUT will be asked again.
you can reinvent the wheel and grow a few white hairs doing string validation in batch, or you can use vbscript
strInput = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
If IsNumeric(strInput) Then
WScript.Echo "1"
WScript.Echo "0"
End If
save it as checkdigit.vbs and in your batch
@echo off
for /F %%A in ('cscript //nologo checkdigit.vbs 100') do (
echo %%A
rem use if to check whether its 1 or 0 and carry on from here
I know this is years old, but just to share my solution.
set /p inp=Int Only :
:: Check for multiple zeros eg : 00000 ::
set ch2=%inp%-0
if %inp% EQU 0 goto :pass
if [%inp%]==[] echo Missing value && goto :eof
if %inp:~0,1%==- echo No negative integers! && goto :eof
set /a chk=%inp%-10>nul
if %chk%==-10 echo Integers only! && goto :eof
echo You shall pass
Tested and working on Windows 8.
You can also use a quite simple trick:
echo %userinput%|findstr /r /c:"^[0-9][0-9]*$" >nul
if errorlevel 1 (echo not a number) else (echo number)
This uses findstr
's regular expression matching capabilities. They aren't very impressive but useful at times.
You can validate any variable if its number:
SET "var="&for /f "delims=0123456789" %i in ("%a") do set var=%i
if defined var (echo."NIC">nul) else (echo."number")