I\'m looking for a way to generate a big random number with PHP, something like:
mt_rand($lower, $upper);
The closer I\'ve
This question was asked like decade ago but for folks that come from Google propper answer is gmp_random_range("min_value", "max_value") funciton.
$range=gmp_random_range("1225468798745475454898787465154", "1225468798745475454898787465200");
echo gmp_strval($range); // displays value as string
What you really need to know is the relative gap; if it's small then you can generate a number from 0 to the maximum gap then add the minimum to that.
What you can do is create a few smaller random numbers and combine them. Not sure on how large you actually need though.
Tested and works
$min = "1225468798745475454898787465154";
$max = "1225468798745475454898787465200";
$bigRandNum = bigRandomNumber($min,$max);
echo "The Big Random Number is: ".$bigRandNum."<br />";
function bigRandomNumber($min,$max) {
// take the max number length
$number_length = strlen($max);
// Set the counter
$i = 1;
// Find the base and the min and max ranges
// Loop through the min to find the base number
while ($i <= $number_length) {
$sub_string = substr($min, 0, $i);
// format pattern
$format_pattern = '/'.$sub_string.'/';
if (!preg_match($format_pattern, $max)) {
$base = $sub_string;
// Set the min and max ranges
$minRange = substr($min, ($i - 1), $number_length);
$maxRange = substr($max, ($i - 1), $number_length);
// End while loop, we found the base
$i = $number_length;
// find a random number with the min and max range
$rand = rand($minRange, $maxRange);
// add the base number to the random number
$randWithBase = $base.$rand;
return $randWithBase;
$lower = gmp_com("1225468798745475454898787465154");
$upper = gmp_com("1225468798745475454898787465200");
$range_size = gmp_sub($upper, $lower);
$rand = gmp_random(31);
$rand = gmp_mod($rand, $range_size);
$result = gmp_add($rand, $lower);
Totally untested :-)
Take your floor and and your random number in the range to it.
1225468798745475454898787465154 + rand(0, 6)