I was wondering what you guys think is the easiest way to get a double border with 2 colors around a div? I tried using border and outline together and it worked in Firefox
Late to the party for this question, but I feel like I should record this somewhere. You can make a scalable function in something like Less or Stylus which will create any number of borders (Stylus here):
if n < 0
horizBorder(n, backgroundColor)
$shadow = 0 0 0 0 transparent
$sign = (n/abs(n))
for $i in ($sign..n)
/* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | spread-radius | color */
$shadow = $shadow, 0 (2*$i - $sign)px 0 0 #000, 0 (2*$i)px 0 0 backgroundColor
return $shadow
$background: #FFF // my background was white in this case and I wanted alternating black/white borders
box-shadow: horizBorder(5, $background)
box-shadow: horizBorder(-5, $background)
box-shadow: horizBorder(5, $background), horizBorder(-5, $background)