Is it possible to generate a csv file from a stored procedure in SQL Server? I created my stored procedure and I want to stored some result as csv, does someone know how to
Found a really helpful link for that. Using SQLCMD for this is really easier than solving this with a stored procedure
I have tried this and it is working fine for me:
sqlcmd -S servername -E -s~ -W -k1 -Q "sql query here" > "\\file_path\file_name.csv"
Just to answer a native way to do this that finally worked, everything had to be casted as a varchar
ALTER PROCEDURE [clickpay].[sp_GetDocuments]
@Submid bigint
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
DECLARE @raw_sql varchar(max)
DECLARE @columnHeader VARCHAR(max)
SELECT @columnHeader = COALESCE(@columnHeader+',' ,'')+ ''''+column_name +'''' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Documents'
DECLARE @ColumnList VARCHAR(max)
SELECT @ColumnList = COALESCE(@ColumnList+',' ,'')+ 'CAST('+column_name +' AS VARCHAR)' FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Documents'
SELECT @raw_sql = 'SELECT '+ @columnHeader +' UNION ALL SELECT ' + @ColumnList + ' FROM ' + 'Documents where Submid = ' + CAST(@Submid AS VARCHAR)
-- Insert statements for procedure here
I think it is possible to use bcp command. I am also new to this command but I followed this link and it worked for me.
I also used bcp and found a couple other helpful posts that would benefit others if finding this thread
Don't use VARCHAR(MAX)
as your @sql
or @cmd
variable for xp_cmdshell; you will get and error
Msg 214, Level 16, State 201, Procedure xp_cmdshell, Line 1 Procedure expects parameter 'command_string' of type 'varchar'.
to get blanks for the csv file instead of a NUL
(viewable in hex editor, or notepad++). I used that in the SELECT
statement for bcp
How to make Microsoft BCP export empty string instead of a NUL char?
You can do this using OPENROWSET as suggested in this answer. Reposting Slogmeister Extrarodinare answer:
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET ('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=D:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [FileName.csv]')
SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3 FROM DatabaseName
But, there are couple of caveats:
You need to have the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider available. The Jet 4.0 provider will work, too, but it's ancient, so I used this one instead.
The .CSV file will have to exist already. If you're using headers (HDR=YES), make sure the first line of the .CSV file is a delimited list of all the fields.