I\'m using python and CherryPy to create a simple internal website that about 2 people use. I use the built in webserver with CherryPy.quickstart and never messed with the c
That depends on how you are running the cherrypy init.
If using cherrypy 3.1 syntax, that wold do it:
cherrypy.server.socket_host = 'www.machinename.com'
Of course you can have something more fancy, like subclassing the server class, or using config files. Those uses are covered in the documentation.
But that should be enough. If not just tell us what you are doing and cherrypy version, and I will edit this answer.
import cherrypy
class HelloWorld(object):
def index(self):
return "Hello World!"
index.exposed = True
cherrypy.server.socket_host = '' # put it here
server.socket_host: ''
...would also work. That's IPv4 INADDR_ANY, which means, "listen on all interfaces".
In a config file, the syntax is:
server.socket_host: ''
In code:
cherrypy.server.socket_host = ''