I have the following dataframe:
Data <- data.frame(
date = c(\"2001-01-01\", \"2001-02-01\", \"2001-03-01\", \"2001-04-01\", \"2001-05-01\", \"2001-06-0
Another (longer) way of doing it using if statements is this:
month <- as.numeric(format(date, format = "%m"))[1]
if (month < 4) {
quarter <- paste( format(date, format = "%Y")[1], "Q1", sep="-")
} else if (month > 3 & month < 7) {
quarter <- paste( format(date, format = "%Y")[1], "Q2", sep="-")
} else if (month > 6 & month < 10) {
quarter <- paste( format(date, format = "%Y")[1], "Q3", sep="-")
} else if (month > 9) {
quarter <- paste( format(date, format = "%Y")[1], "Q4", sep="-")
Returns a string in the format:
> quarter
[1] "2001-Q1"
Then you could extend that using a loop.
Using base functions:
Data$date <- as.Date(Data$date)
Data$qtr <- paste(format(Data$date, "%y"),
sprintf("%02i", (as.POSIXlt(Data$date)$mon) %/% 3L + 1L),
# date qtr
# 1 2001-01-01 01/01
# 2 2001-02-01 01/01
# 3 2001-03-01 01/01
# 4 2001-04-01 01/02
# 5 2001-05-01 01/02
# 6 2001-06-01 01/02
I have been loving the lubridate
package for working with dates. Super slick. The quarter
function finds the quarter (of course) and then just pair that with the year.
Data <- Data %>%
mutate(qtr = paste0(substring(year(date),2,4),"/0",quarter(date)))
If you are not familiar with the %>%
the first line basically says "use data frame called data
" and the second line says "mutate (or add) a column called qtr
yq=function(x,prefix="%Y",combine="Q") paste0(ifelse(is.null(prefix),"",format(x,"%Y")),floor(as.numeric(format(x,"%m"))/3-1e-3)+1,sep=combine)
this gives the flexibility of returning any format back that has the quarter in it
no need for chron or zoo
as for your example
> [1] "13/02"
I made a similar format using quarters()
and sub()
in R:
Data$qtr <- paste(format(Data$date, "%y/"), 0,
sub( "Q", "", quarters(Data$date) ), sep = "")
You need to explicilty Vectorize
your function:
fun_v <- Vectorize(fun, "x")
#[1] "01/01" "01/01" "01/01" "01/02" "01/02" "01/02"
However, when it comes to more or less standard tasks (such as datetime manipulations), there's always a solution already available:
yq <- as.yearqtr(Data$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
#[1] "2001 Q1" "2001 Q1" "2001 Q1" "2001 Q2" "2001 Q2" "2001 Q2"
To convert to your specific format, use
format(yq, format = "%y/0%q")
#[1] "01/01" "01/01" "01/01" "01/02" "01/02" "01/02"