I am new to C#. I was executing some select queries from database tables using System.Data.SqlClient classes. I got sqlnullvalueexception while executing some select query.
The code you posted is fine. You could also do something like that :
value = r[n] as string;
If the value in the database is null, r[n]
will return DBNull.Value, and the cast to string
will return null
This worked for me:
value = reader.GetValue(n).ToString();
That really is the best way to go about it if you wish to avoid any exceptions. You need to decide whether or not a null field represents an exceptional situation in your code - if it doesn't then use this method. If it does then I would suggest that you either allow the exception to be thrown or catch the exception and wrap it in a more meaniful exception and throw that one.
But the main thing to know is that this is the standard way to retrieve values from a data reader when a null field does not represent an exceptional situation in the application domain.
If you don't want to repeat this a lot, just create a helper function, like this:
public static class DataReaderExtensions
public static string GetStringOrNull(this IDataReader reader, int ordinal)
return reader.IsDBNull(ordinal) ? null : reader.GetString(ordinal);
public static string GetStringOrNull(this IDataReader reader, string columnName)
return reader.GetStringOrNull(reader.GetOrdinal(columnName));
Which you can call like this:
value = reader.GetStringOrNull(n);