I\'m trying to use Jersey Client to simulate HTTP requests to my web service. I tried to implement the simple example from the documentation. Here\'s my short code:
In my case this looks to be an incompatibility issue with Jersey Client and Jersey Core. I got past it by disabling the client:
This looks like an inconsistency pertaining to the JAX-RS API version (which contains the MultiValuedMap).
You are using client jersey-client v2.2, which is compiled against v2.0 of the JAX-RS API. But your runtime states to run with Java EE 6, which defines JAX-RS API v1.1. So your code expects v2.0 of the JAX-RS API, but gets v1.1 at runtime.
This is the MultiValuedMap API for Java EE 6:
http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/ws/rs/core/MultivaluedMap.html (no addAll method).
And for Java EE 7:
http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/ws/rs/core/MultivaluedMap.html (this one includes the addAll method).
As you are using Java EE 6, you should be using jersey-client v1.8, not 2.2. Or you should be including the Java EE 7 API in your runtime classpath, and not 6.
The offending class comes from this dependency
It has jax-rs 1.1 core classes inside, specifically MultivaluedMap
interface without addAll
Either disable it (It seems you can if only using Jersey), or upgrade to version
to 7.0