I like to create a batch file (winxp cmd) that recursively goes through a chose folder and sub folders and renames there files+folders with the following rules:
with this directory tree:
├── 00v0w
│ ├── 12V0W
│ ├── 12d0w
│ └── 12v0d
├── 11V0W
├── 11d0w
└── 11v0d
these renamer commands:
$ renamer --regex --find '[vV]' --replace 'Y' '**'
$ renamer --regex --find '[wW]' --replace 'Z' '**'
would produce this output:
├── 00Y0Z
│ ├── 12Y0Z
│ ├── 12Y0d
│ └── 12d0Z
├── 11Y0Z
├── 11Y0d
└── 11d0Z
Tom, fiddling around with a previous script I posted, here is one processing all files and subdirectories:
recurename.cmd directory
@echo off
set Replaces="V=Y" "W=Z" "m=A"
set StartDir=%~dp1
call :RenameDirs "%StartDir:~0,-1%"
exit /b 0
call :RenameFiles "%~1"
for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /ad /b "%~1"2^>nul') do call :RenameDirs "%~1\%%~d"
if "%~1"=="%StartDir:~0,-1%" exit /b 0
set _pos=0
set _dir=%~f1
set _dir_orig=!_dir!
set /a _pos-=1
call set _dir_pos=!!!_dir:~%_pos%,1!!!
if not "%_dir_pos%"=="\" goto finddirName
call set _origines=!!!_dir:~0,%_pos%!!!
set /a _pos+=1
call set _dir=!!!_dir:~%_pos%!!!
for %%r in (%Replaces%) do call set _dir=!!!_dir:%%~r!!!
if /i not "!_dir!"=="!_dir_orig!" echo move "%~1" "%_origines%\!_dir!"
exit /b 0
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /a-d /b "%~1"2^>nul') do (
set _file=%%~nf
set _file_orig=!_file!
for %%r in (%Replaces%) do call set _file=!!!_file:%%~r!!!
if /i not "!_file!"=="!_file_orig!" echo ren "%~1\%%f" "%~1\!_file!%%~xf"
exit /b 0
This is a non-destructive script, remove the echo from the correct commands in order to rename any file/directory. (echo move and echo ren)
Set Replaces=: Set this variable to whatever pairs you need changed.
set Startdir=: I wanted to secure, somehow, the argument and taking only the path from it. If a files is given as a parameter, the whole container directory and subdirs will be processed.
if "%~1"=="%StartDir:~0,-1%" exit /b 0: This line was placed to stop the argument directory itself from being processed. If you wish so, remove this line.
If the script is called with, say, c:\temp\, removing this line would change the name to c:\teAp\ in the end.
The following batch does this for the file names at least. Directories are a bit trickier (at least I couldn't come up with a non-infinite solution so far):
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
for /r %%f in (*) do call :process "%%f"
goto :eof
pushd "%~dp1"
set fn=%~nx1
set fn=%fn:V=Y%
set fn=%fn:W=Z%
ren "%~nx1" "%fn%"
goto :eof
But in theory it shouldn't be too hard to tack dir renaming onto this.